E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (Leff, Southern Methodist University) (11/06/87)
%A E. Hudlicka %A V. Lesser %T Modeling and Diagnosing Problem-Solving System Behavior %J MAG144 %P 407-419 %A J. L. Kolodner %A R. M. Kolodner %T Using Experience in Clinical Problem Solving: Introduction and Framework %J MAG144 %P 420-431 %K AA01 %A B. Kuipers %T Qualitative Simulation as Causal Explanation %J MAG144 %P 432-444 %A J. R. Josephson %A B. Chandrasekaran %A J. R. Smith %A M. C. Tanner %J MAG144 %P 445-454 %A J. G. Witlink %T A Deficiency of Natural Deduction %J Information Processing Letters %V 25 %N 4 %D JUN 17 1987 %P 233-234 %A D. G. Kouri %T The Design and Use of a Prolog Trace Generator for CSP %J Software Practice and Experience %V 17 %N 7 %D JUL 1987 %P 423-438 %A M. Oyamaguchi %T The church-Rosser Property for Ground Term-Rewriting Systems is Decidable %J Theoretical Computer Science %V 49 %N 1 %D 1987 %P 43-80 %A J. P. Delgrande %T A Formal Approach to Learning From Examples %J MAG145 %P 123-142 %A T. R. Gruber %A P. R. Cohen %T Design for Acquisition: Principles of Knowledge-System Design to Facilitate Knowledge Acquisition %J MAG145 %P 143-160 %A P. E. Johnson %A I. Zaulkernan %A S. Garbert %T Specification of Expertise %J MAG145 %P 161-182 %A C. M. Kitto %A J. H. Boose %T Heuristics for Expertise Transfer: An Implementation of a Dialog Manager for Knowledge Acquisition %J MAG145 %P 183-202 %A J. Kornell %T Formal Thought and Narrative Thought in Knowledge Acquisition %J MAG145 %P 203-212 %A E. A. Moore %A A. M. Agogino %T Inform: An Architecture for Expert-Directed Knowledge Acquisition %J MAG145 %P 213-230 %A T. Bylander %A B. Chandrasekaran %T Generic Tasks for Knowledge-Based Reasoning: the "Right" Level of Abstraction for Knowledge Acquisition %J MAG145 %P 231-244 %K AI01 %A M. LaFrance %T The Knowledge Acquisition Grid: A Method for Training Knowledge Engineers %J MAG145 %P 245-256 %K AI01 %A D. D. Woods %A E. Holnagel %T Mapping Cognitive Demands in Complex Problem-Solving Worlds %J MAG145 %P 257 %A W. Bruce Croft %T Approaches to Intelligent Information Retrieval %J MAG149 %P 249-254 %K AA14 %A Paul R. Cohen %A Rick Kjeldsen %T Information Retrieval by Constrained Spreading Activation in Semantic Networks %J MAG149 %P 255-268 %K AI12 AA14 %A Lisa F. Rau %T Knowledge Organization and Access in a Conceptual Information System %J MAG149 %P 269-284 %K AI16 AA14 %A Y. Chiaramella %A B. Defude %T A Prototype of an Intelligent System for Information Retrieval: IOTA %J MAG149 %P 285-304 %K AA14 %A Giorgia Brajnik %A Giovanni Guida %A Carlo Tasso %T User Modeling in Intelligent Information Retrieval %J MAG149 %P 305-320 %K AI08 AA15 AA14 %A Robert F. Simmons %T A Text Knowledge Base from the AI Handbook %J MAG149 %P 321-340 %K AA14 %A Edward A. Fox %T Developments of the CODER System: A Testbed for Artificial Intelligence Methods in Information Retrieval %J MAG149 %P 341-366 %K AA14 AI02 %A H. M. Brooks %T Expert Systems and Intelligent Information Retrieval %J MAG149 %P 367-382 %K AA14 AI01 AT08 %A D. A. Pospelov %T Artificial Intellect - A New Phase of Development %J Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR %N 4 %D 1987 %P 40-47 %K AI16 %X in Russian %A J. Grobelny %T The Fuzzy Approach to Facilities Layout Problems %J Fuzzy Sets and Systems %V 23 %N 2 %D AUG 1987 %P 175-190 %K O04 AA05 %A M. A. Gil %A M. T. Lopez %A J. M. A. Garrido %T An Extensive-Form Analysis for Comparing Fuzzy Information Systems by Means of the Worth and Quiteness of Information %J Fuzzy Sets and Systems %V 23 %N 2 %D AUG 1987 %P 239-256 %K O04 %A Christopher Hogger %T Prolog and Software Engineering %J Microprocessors and Microsystems %V 11 %N 6 %D JUL-AUG 1987 %P 308-318 %K T02 %T Consistent Clustering - Analog of Physical Model for the Observation Object in Fuzzy Language %J Avtomatika %N 3 %D MAY-JUN 1987 %P 89 %K O04 O06 %X Article in Russian, English Abstract Available %A I. V. Blauberg %A V. V. Klokov %T Systems Studies and Organization of Knowledge %J Cybernetics and Systems %V 18 %N 3 %D 1987 %P 195-202 %K AI16 %A Avi Rushinek %A Sara F. Rushinek %T Interactive Diagnostic System for Insurance Software: An Expert System Using Artificial Intelligence (ESAI) %J Cybernetics and Systems %V 18 %N 3 %D 1987 %P 203-220 %K AA06 AI01 %A A. Hoogewijs %T Partial Predicate Logic in Computer Science %J Acta Informatica %V 24 %N 4 %D 1987 %P 381-394 %K AI10 %A D. Kapur %A P. Narendran %A H. Zhang %T On Sufficient-Completeness and Related Properties of Term Rewriting Systems %J Acta Informatica %V 24 %N 4 %D 1987 %P 395-416 %K AI14 %A Gerard Medioni %A Yoshio Yasumoto %T Corner Detection and Curve Representation Using Cubic B-Splines %J MAG150 %P 267-278 %K AI06 %A R. S. Acharya %A P. B. Heffernan %A R. A. Robb %A H. Wechsler %T High Speed 3D Imaging of the Beating Heart Using Temporal Estimation %J MAG150 %P 279-290 %K AI06 AA01 %A Glenn L. Cash %A Mehdi Hatamian %T Optical Character Recognition by the Method of Moments %J MAG150 %P 291-310 %K AI06 %A Andrew B. Watson %T The Cortex Transform: Rapid Computation of Simulated Neural Images %J MAG150 %P 311-327 %K AI06 AI08 %A Ken-ichi Kanatani %T Camera Rotation Invariance of Image Characteristics %J MAG150 %P 328-354 %K AI06 %A Steven M. Pizer %A E. Philip Amburn %A John D. Austin %A Robert Cromarti %A Ari Geselowitz %A Trey Greer %A Bart ter Haar Romeny %A John B. Zimmerman %A Karel Zuiderveld %T Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Its Variations %J MAG150 %P 355-368 %K AI06 %A J. Michel Fitzpatrick %A Michael R. Leuze %T A Class of One-to-One Two-Dimensional Transformations %J MAG150 %P 369-382 %K AI06 %A Hemraj Nair %T Reconstruction of Planar Boundaries from Incomplete Information %J MAG150 %P 383 %K AI06 %A D. L. Sanford %A J. W. Roach %T Representing and Using Metacommunication to Control Speakers Relationships in Natural Language Dialog %J MAG151 %P 301-320 %K AI02 %A W. Siler %A D. tucker %A J. Buckley %T A Parallel Rule Firing Fuzzy Production System with Resolution of Memory Conflicts by Weak Fuzzy Monotonicity, Applied to the Classification of Multiple Objects Characterized by Multiple Uncertain Features %J MAG151 %P 321-332 %K O04 AI01 H03 %A G. S. Pospelov %T Expert Systems. Experience with Dynamic Description %J Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences %V 25 %N 1 %D JAN-FEB 1987 %P 80-84 %K AI01 %A Johnson Aimie Edosomwan %T Artificial Intelligence, Part 7: Ten Design Rules for Knowledge Based Expert Systems %J Industrial Engineering %V 19 %N 8 %D AUG 1987 %P 78-80 %K AI01 %A H. Samet %A C. A. Shaffer %A R. C. Nelson %A Y. G. Huang %A A. Rosenfeld %T Recent Developments in Linear Quadtree-Based Geographic Information Systems %J MAG152 %P 187-198 %K AI06 AI16 %A E. R. Davies %T Design of Optimal Gaussian Operators in Small Neighborhoods %J MAG152 %P 199-205 %K AI06 %A S. K. Morton %A S. J. Popham %T Algorithm Design Specification for Interpreting Segmented Image Data Using Schemas and Support Logic %J MAG152 %P 206-216 %K AI06 %A I. Overington %A P. Greenway %T Practical First-Difference Edge Detection with Subpixel Accuracy %J MAG152 %P 217-224 %K AI06 %A E. W. Elcock %A I. Gargantini %A T. R. Walsh %T Triangular Decomposition %J MAG152 %P 225-232 %K AI06 %A M. J. L. Orr %A R. B. Fisher %T Geometric Reasoning for Computer Vision %J MAG152 %P 233 %K AI06 %A Y. B. Mityushin %A A. E. Petrov %A P. K. Fadeev %T Measure of Semantic Information in Documents and Databases of Automated Information Systems %J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Seirya II - Informatsionnye Protessy I Systemy %P 1-4 %N 6 %D 1987 %K AA14 %A G. G. Gyulnazaryn %T Development of Vocal Input Subsystems in Automated Information Systems %J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Seirya II - Informatsionnye Protessy I Systemy %P 14-16 %N 6 %D 1987 %K AI05 AA14 %A S. V. Kazmenko %T Use of Standard Language in Conversatin with Computers - Pessimistic Point of View %J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Seirya II - Informatsionnye Protessy I Systemy %P 32 %N 6 %D 1987 %K AI02 %A A. A. Grandhee %A R. A. Moczadlo %T Expert System and Symbolic Processing for Automation %J MAG153 %P 6-10 %K AA05 AI01 %A D. S. Watts %A H. K. Eldin %T The Role of the Industrial Engineer in Developing Expert Systems %J MAG153 %P 15-20 %K AI01 AA05 %A D. J. Sumanth %A M. Dedeoglu %T Application of Expert Systems to Productivity Measurement in Companies Organization %J MAG153 %P 21-25 %K AI01 AA05 %A F. M. Lesusky %A Rhudy, R. L. %W Wiginton, J. C. %T The Development of a Knowledge-Based System for Information Systems Project Development %J MAG153 %P 29-33 %K AA08 %A T. C. Chang %A J. Terwilliger %T PWA Planner - A Rule Based System for Printed Wiring Assemblies Process Planning %J MAG153 %P 34-38 %A J. Jiang %A R. R. Doraiswami %T A Novel Structure of Real-Time Expert Control System for Process Industry %J MAG153 %P 39-43 %K AA20 O03 %A G. Chen %A M. H. Williams %T Executing Pascal Programs on a Prolog Architecture %J Information and Software Technology %V 29 %N 6 %D JUL-AUG 1987 %P 285-290 %K T02 %A Georgios I. Doukidis %T An Anthology on the Homology of Simulation with Artificial Intelligence %J Journal of the Operational Research Society %V 38 %N 8 %D AUG 1987 %P 701-712 %K AA28 %A Robert M. O'Keefe %A John W. Roach %T Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Simulation %J Journal of the Operational Research Society %V 38 %N 8 %D AUG 1987 %P 713-722 %K AA28 %A A. M. Flitman %A R. D. Hurrion %T Linking Discrete-Event Simulation Models to Expert Systems %J Journal of the Operational Research Society %V 38 %N 8 %D AUG 1987 %P 701-712 %K AA28 AI01 %A G. K. Kozhevnikov %T Topological Design of Distributed Control Systems Using the Prolog Programming Language %J Avtomatika I. Vychislitelnaya Tekhnika %N 3 %D MAY-JUN 1987 %P 3-5 %K H03 AA20 T02 %A A. F. Rocha %T Editorial: The Fuzziness of Language and Cerebral Processings %J MAG154 %P 301-302 %K AT22 AI08 O04 %A G. Burstein %A M. D. Nicu %A C. Balaceanu %T Simplicial Differential Geometric Theory for Language Cortical Dynamics %J MAG154 %P 303-314 %K O04 AI08 AA10 %A J. Mira %A A. E. Delgado %A R. Moreno-Diaz %T The Fuzzy Paradigm for Knowledge Representation in Cerebral Dynamics %J MAG154 %P 315-330 %K AA10 AI16 O04 %A M. Theoto %A M. R. Santos %A N. Uchiyama %T The Fuzzy Decodings of Educative Texts %J MAG154 %P 331-346 %K AI02 O04 AA07 %A G. Greco %A A. F. Rocha %T The Fuzzy Logic of Text Understanding %J MAG154 %P 347-360 %K AI02 O04 %A L. Lesmo %A P. Torasso %T Prototypical Knowledge for Interpreting Fuzzy Concepts and Quantifiers %J MAG154 %P 361-370 %K O04 AI16 %A F. Casacuberta %A E. Vidal %A J. M. Benedi %T Interpretation of Fuzzy Data by Means of Fuzzy Rules with Applications to Speech Recognition %J MAG154 %P 371-380 %K AI05 O04 %A A. A. Mitchell %T The Use of Alternative Knowledge-Acquisition Procedures in the Development of a Knowledge-Based Media Planning System %J MAG155 %P 399-412 %K AI01 %A M. J. Pazzani %T Explanation-Based Learning for Knowledge-Based Systems %J MAG155 %P 413-434 %K AI01 AI04 %A A. Rappaport %T Multiple-Problem Subspaces in the Knowledge-Design Process %J MAG155 %P 435-452 %K AI16 %A B. R. Gaines %T An Overview of Knowledge-Acquisition and Transfer %J MAG155 %P 453-472 %K AI16 %A J. H. Alexander %A M. J. Freiling %A S. J. Shulman %A S. Rehfuss %A S. L. Messick %T Ontological Analysis - An Ongoing Experiment %J MAG155 %P 473-486 %K AI16 %A S. A. Hayward %A B. J. Wielinga %A J. A. Breuker %T Structured Analysis of Knowledge %J MAG155 %P 487-498 %K AI16 %A W. Buntine %T Induction of Horn Clauses - Methods and the Plausible Generation Algorithm %J MAG155 %P 499-520 %K AI10 AI04 %A C. Gargjanardan %A G. Salvendy %T A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Elicitation %J MAG155 %P 521-532 %K AI16 %A N. M. Cooke %A J. E. MacDonald %T The Application of Psychological Scaling Techniques to Knowledge Elicitation for Knowledge-Based Systems %J MAG155 %P 533 %K AI16 %A Takashi Toriu %A Hiromichi Iwase %A Masumi Yoshida %T An Expert System for Image Processing %J Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal %V 23 %N 2 %D SUMMER 1987 %P 111-118 %K AI01 AI06 %A J. G. Llaurado %T Computerized Speech-Recognition and Conversation %J International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing %V 21 %N 2 %D SEP 1987 %P 77-82 %K AI05 AT22 %X (Commentary) %A W. S. Lim %A S. Vajpayee %T Development of a Vision-Based Inspection System on a Micro-computer %J Computers and Industrial Engineering %V 12 %N 4 %D 1987 %P 315 %K AI06 H01 %A S. M. Alexander %T The Application of Expert Systems to Manufacturing Processing Control %J Computers and Industrial Engineering %V 12 %N 4 %D 1987 %P 307-314 %K AI01 AA26 AA20 %A Michael P. Georgeff %T Planning %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AT08 AI09 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Charles Thorp %A Martial Hebert %A Takeo Kanade %A Steven Shafer %T Vision and Navigation for the Carnegie-Mellon Navlab %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AI06 AT08 AI07 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Steven W. Zucker %T The Emerging Paradigm of Computational Vision %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AT08 AI06 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Judea Pearl %A Richard Korf %T Search Techniques %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AI03 AT08 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Raymond Reiter %T Nonmonotonic Reasoning %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AI15 AT08 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Scott E. Fahlman %T Common Lisp %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AT08 T01 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Kathleen McKeown %A William Swartout %T Language Generation and Explanation %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AI01 AT08 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Joseph Halpern %T Using Reasoning about Knowledge to Analyze Distributed Systems %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K H03 AT08 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A Drew McDermott %T Logic, Problem Solving, and Deduction %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %K AI16 AT08 %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A David R. Barstow %T Knowledge-Based Software Tools %B Annual Review of Computer Science %V 2 %D NOV 1987 %E Joseph F. Traub %K AA08 AT08 %I Annual Reviews, Inc. %X ISBN 0-8243-3202-4 %A S. L. Hardt %A D. H. MacFadden %T Computer Assisted Psychiatric Diagnosis: Experiments in Software Design %J Computers in Biology and Medicine %V 17 %N 4 %D 1987 %P 229-238 %K AA11 AA01 AI01 %A F. Wiener %A M. Gabbai %A M. Jaffe %T Computerized Classification of Congenital Malformations using a Modified Bayesian Approach %J Computers in Biology and Medicine %V 17 %N 4 %D 1987 %P 259-268 %K AA01 AI01 %A W. M. Dong %A F. S. Wong %T Propagation of Evidence in Rules Based Ssytems %J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies %V 26 %N 5 %D MAY 1987 %P 551-566 %K O04 AI01 %A J. A. Landau %A K. H. Norwich %A S. J. Evans %A B. Pich %T An Error Correcting Protocol for Medical Expert Systems %J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies %V 26 %N 5 %D MAY 1987 %P 617-626 %A B. J. Cragun %A H. J. Steudel %T A Decision-Table-Used Processor for Checking Completeness and Consistency in Rule Based Systems %J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies %V 26 %N 5 %D MAY 1987 %P 633 %A Michael Potmesil %T Generating Octree Models of 3D Objects from Their Silhouettes in a Sequence of Images %J MAG156 %P 1-29 %K AI06 %A Roland T. Chin %A Hong-Khoon Wan %A D. L. Stover %A R. D. Iverson %T A One-Pass Thinning Algorithm and Its Parallel Implementation %J MAG156 %P 30-40 %K AI06 H03 %A Hiromitsu Yamada %A Tony Kasvand %T Transparent Object Extraction from Regular Textured Backgrounds by Using Binary Parallel Operations %J MAG156 %P 41-53 %K H03 AI06 %A Haluk Derin %A Chee-Sun Won %T A Parallel Image Segmentation Algorithm Using Relaxation with Varying Neighborhoods and Its Mapping to Array Processors %J MAG156 %P 54-78 %K H03 AI06 %A Vishvjit S. Nalwa %A Eric Pauchon %T Edgel-Aggregation and Edge Description %J MAG156 %P 79-94 %K AI06 %A Abdol-Reza Mansouri %A Alfred S. Malowany %A Martin D. Levine %T Line Detection in Digital Pictures: A Hypothesis Prediction/Verification Paradigm %J MAG156 %P 95-114 %K AI06 %A H. Bieri %T Computing the Euler Characteristic and Related Additive Functionals of Digital Objects from Their Bintree Representation %J MAG156 %P 115 %K AI06 %A W. K. Pratt %A P. F. Leonard %T Review of Machine Vision Architectures %B BOOK85 %P 2-12 %K AI06 AT08 %A R. Q. Fox %T A Comparison of the Wire Frame and Mathematical Morphology Approaches to Machine Vision %B BOOK85 %P 13-22 %K AI06 %A W. M. Silver %T Normalized Correlation Search in Alignment, Gauging, and Inspection %B BOOK85 %P 23-34 %K AI06 AA26 %A T. Poggio %T Computer Vision %B BOOK85 %P 54-62 %K AI06 %A R. M. Haralick %T Recognition Methodology - Algorithms and Architecture %B BOOK85 %P 63-65 %K AI06 %A A. Rosenfeld %T Parallel Algorithms for Real-Time Vision %B BOOK85 %P 66-70 %K H03 O06 O03 AI06 %A T. N. Nudge %T An Analysis of Hypercube Architectures for Image Pattern Recognition Algorithms %B BOOK85 %P 71-83 %K AI06 H03 %A D. Casasent %T Optical Pattern Recognition and AI Algorithms and Architectures for ATR and Computer Vision %B BOOK85 %P 84-95 %K AI06 %A B. R. Hunt %T Prospects for Self-Organizing Pattern Recognition via Adaptive Network Systems %B BOOK85 %P 96-98 %K AI06 AI12 %A C. W. R. Swonger %T Tools for Productive Development of Image Analysis Algorithms %B BOOK85 %P 99-113 %K AI06 %A K. R. Castleman %A D. Fabian %T User Interface Design for a General Purpose Pattern Recognition Package %B BOOK85 %P 114-125 %K O01 AI06 %A J. Sklansky %A K. H. K. Kim %T Real Time Scene Understanding and Vision Automation - A Brief Overview %B BOOK85 %P 126-131 %K AT08 O03 AI06 %A A. F. Lehar %A R. Gonsalves %A J. Weaver %A L. Turnbaugh %T Pattern Recognition Techniques for Finding the Address on Letters and Parcels %B BOOK85 %P 132-140 %K AI06 %A P. S. P. Wang %T A More Natural Approach for Recognition of Line-Drawing Patterns %B BOOK85 %P 141 %K AI06 %A T. D. Watts %T Some Historical Currents Concerning the Societal Learning Approach to Policy and Planning %J Cybernetica %V 30 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 43-58 %K AA11 O05 AI04 %A A. V. Reader %T The Memory Channel Machine - Part of a Proposed Learning Machine %J Cybernetica %V 30 %N 2 %D 1987 %P 25-42 %K AI04 %A E. M. Oblow %T A Probabilisitic-Propositional Framework for the O-Theory Intersection Rule %J MAG157 %P 187-202 %K O04 %A Ronald R. Yager %T Toward a Theory of Conjunctive Variables %J MAG157 %P 203-228 %K O04 %A Thomas B. Fowler %T A Numerical Method for Propagation of Uncertainty in Nonlinear Systems %J MAG157 %P 265 %K O04 %A Jonathan Vaughan %A Graham Brookes %A David Chalmers %A Martin Watts %T Transputer Applications to Speech Recognition %J Microprocessors and Microsystems %V 11 %N 7 %D SEP 1987 %K H01 AI05 %P 377-382 %A Shi-Kuo Chang %A L. Leung %T A Knowledge-Based Message-Management System %J ACM TOIS %V 5 %N 3 %D JUL 1987 %P 213-236