LAWS@IU.AI.SRI.COM (Ken Laws) (11/03/87)
Eiji Hirai asks whether FORTRAN is seriously considered an AI language. I'm certain that Alan Bundy was joking about it. That leaves an opening for a serious defender, and I am willing to take the job. Other languages have already been much touted and debated in AIList, so FORTRAN deserves equal time. Many expert system companies have found that they must provide their end-user programs in C (or occasionally PASCAL or some other traditional language). A few such companies actually prefer to do their development work in C. There are reasons why this is not insane. The same reasons can be made to apply to FORTRAN, providing that one is willing to consider a few language extensions. They apply with even more force to ADA, which may succeed in giving us the sharable subroutine libraries that have been promised ever since the birth of FORTRAN. I will concentrate on C because I know it best. The problem with traditional languages is neither their capability nor their efficiency, but the way that they limit thought. C, after all, can be used to implement LISP. A C programmer may be more comfortable growing the tail end of a dynamic array than CONSing to the head of a list, but that is simply an implementation option that should be hidden within a package of list-manipulation routines. (Indeed, the head/tail distinction for a 1-D array is arbitrary.) Languages that permit pointer manipulation and recursive calls can do just about anything that LISP or PROLOG can. (Dynamic code modification is possible in C, although exceedingly difficult. It could be made more palatable if appropriate parsing and compilation subroutines were made available.) My own definition of an "AI" program is any program that would never have been thought of by a FORTRAN/COBOL programmer. (The past tense is significant, as I will discuss below.) FORTRAN-like languages are thus unlikely candidates for AI development. Why should this be so? It is because they designed for low-level manipulations (by modern standards) and are clumsy for expressing high-level concepts. C, for instance, is so well suited to manipulating character strings that it is unusual to find a UNIX system with an augmented library of string-parsing routines. It is just so much easier to hack an efficient ad hoc loop than to document and maintain a less-efficient general-purpose string library that the library never gets written. String-manipulation programs do exist (editors, AWK, GREP, etc.), but the intermediate representations are not available to other than system hackers. FORTRAN, with its numeric orientation, is even more limiting. One can write string-parsing code, but it is difficult. I suspect that string libraries are therefore more available in FORTRAN, a step in the right direction. People interested in string manipulation, though, are more likely to use SNOBOL or some other language -- almost any other language. FORTRAN makes numerical analysis easy and everything else difficult. Suppose, though, that FORTRAN and C offered extensive "object oriented" libraries for all the data types you were likely to need: lists, trees, queues, heaps, strings, files, buffers, windows, points, line segments, robot arms, etc. Suppose that they also included high-level objects such as hypotheses, goals, and constraints. (These might not be just what you needed, but you could use the standard data types as templates for making your own.) These libraries would then be the language in which you conduct your research, with the base language used only to glue the subroutines together. A good macro capability could make the base+subroutine language more palatable for specific applications, although there are drawbacks to concealing code with syntactic sugar. Given the appropriate subroutine libraries, there is no longer a mental block to AI thought. A FORTRAN programmer could whip together a backtrack search almost as fast as a PROLOG programmer. Indeed, PROLOG would be a part of the FORTRAN environment. Current debugging tools for FORTRAN and C are not as good as those for LISP machines, but they are adequate if used by an experienced programmer. (Actually, there are about a hundred types of FORTRAN/COBOL development tools that are not commonly available to LISP programmers. Their cost and learning time limit their use.) The need for garbage collection can generally be avoided by explicit deallocation of obsolete objects (although there are times when this is tricky). Programming in a traditional language is not the same as programming in LISP or PROLOG, but it is not necessarily inferior. The problem with AI languages is neither their capability nor their efficiency, but the way that they limit thought. Each makes certain types of manipulations easy while obscuring others. LISP is a great language for manipulating lists, and lists are an exceptionally powerful representation, but even higher level constructs are needed for image understanding, discourse analysis, and other areas of modern AI research. No language is perfectly suited for navigating databases of such representations, so you have to choose which strengths and weaknesses are suited to your application. If your concern is with automating intelligent >>behavior<<, a traditional algorithmic language may be just right for you. -- Ken Laws -------
hamscher@HT.AI.MIT.EDU (Walter Hamscher) (11/05/87)
In any discussion where C and Fortran are defended as languages for doing AI, if only they provided the constructs that Lisp and Prolog already provide, I am reminded of the old Yiddish saying (here poorly transliterated) ``Wenn mein Bubba zul huben Bietzem, vol tzi gevain mein Zayda.'' Or, loosely, ``IF is a big word.'' Date: Mon 2 Nov 87 14:29:09-PST From: Ken Laws <LAWS@IU.AI.SRI.COM> * * * The problem with AI languages is neither their capability nor their efficiency, but the way that they limit thought. * * * Exactly so. Using Fortran or any language where you have to spend mental energy thinking about the issues that Lisp and Prolog already handle ``cuts your chances of fame and fortune from the discovery of the one true path,'' to quote an earlier contributor. Fortran's a fine language for writing programs where the problem is well understood, but it's just a lousy language for tackling new problems in. This doesn't just go for academic research, either; same goes for doing applications that have never been tackled before.
LAWS@IU.AI.SRI.COM (Ken Laws) (11/05/87)
Good points. I happen to program in C and have built a software environment that does provide many of the capabilities of LISP. It has taken me many years, and I would not recommend that others follow this path. My real point, though, was that LISP and PROLOG are also at too low a level. The Lisp Machine environment, with its 10,000 predefined functions, is a big factor in the productivity of LISP hackers. If similar (or much better!) libraries were available to FORTRAN hackers, similar productivity would be observed. LISP does permit many clever programming techniques, as documented in Abelson and Sussman's book, but a great deal can be done with the simple conditionals, loops, and other control structures of a language like FORTRAN. The AI community is spending too much time reprogramming graph search algorithms, connected-component extraction, cluster analysis, and hundreds of other solved problems. Automated programming isn't coming to our rescue. As Fred Brooks has pointed out, algorithm development is one of the most intricate, convoluted activities ever devised; software development tools are not going to make the complexities vanish. New parallel architectures will tempt us toward brute-force solutions, ultimately leaving us without solutions. It's time we recognize that sharable, documented subroutine libraries are essential if AI programs are ever to be developed for real-world problems. Such subroutines, which I envision in an object-oriented style, should be the language of AI. Learned papers would discuss improvements to the primitive routines or sophisticated ways of coordinating them, seldom both together -- just as an earlier generation separated A* and garbage collection. This would make it easier for others to repeat important work on other computer systems, aiding scientific verification and tech transfer as well as facilitating creativity. -- Ken Laws [This applies particularly in my own field of computer vision, where many graduate students and engineers spend years reinventing I/O code, display drivers, and simple image transformations. Trivial tasks such as mapping buffers into display windows cease to be trivial if attempted with any pretense to generality. Code is not transportable and even images are seldom shared. The situation may not be so bad in mainstream AI research, although I see evidence that it is.] (Laurent Siklossy) (11/10/87)
FORTRAN and other "standard" programming languages have been used for years for advanced AI. One of the French AI pioneers (if not THE pioneer, Ph.D. around 1961(?)), Dr. Jacques Pitrat, has programmed for years in FORTRAN with his own extensions. His programs included discovering interesting logical theorems, learning in the domain of games (chess), and many other areas. Prof. Jean-Louis Lauriere wrote his Ph.D. thesis (Universite de Paris VI, 1976; see his 100+ pages article about that in the AI Journal, 1977 I think) in PL/1. Lauriere's system was, in my opinion, the first real (powerful) general problem solver, and remains a top performing system in the field. (Lauriere may have been pushed into using PL/1 by lack of other more appealing choices, I cannot remember for sure.) So it has been done, therefore you can do it too. I would not recommend it, but that may be a matter of taste or of limitations. Laurent Siklossy Free University, Amsterdam --------------------------------------------------- Ken: You are welcome to send above via the net if you find it useful. Cheers, LS -------