MVILAIN@G.BBN.COM (Marc Vilain) (11/25/87)
BBN Science Development Program AI Seminar Series Lecture THEORIES OF COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Daniel S. Weld MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab (WELD@REAGAN.AI.MIT.EDU) BBN Labs 10 Moulton Street 2nd floor large conference room 10:30 am, Tuesday December 1 This talk analyzes two approaches to a central subproblem of automated design, diagnosis, and intelligent tutoring systems: comparative analysis. Comparative analysis may be considered an analog of qualitative simulation. Where qualitative simulation takes a structural model of a system and qualitatively describes its behavior over time, comparative analysis is the problem of predicting how that behavior will change if the underlying structure is perturbed and also explaining why it will change. For example, given Hooke's law as the model of a horizontal, frictionless spring/block system, qualitative simulation might generate a description of oscillation. Comparative analysis, on the other hand, is the task of answering questions like: ``What would happen to the period of oscillation if you increase the mass of the block?'' I have implemented, tested, and proven theoretical results about two different techniques for solving comparative analysis problems, differential qualitative (DQ) analysis and exaggeration. DQ analysis would answer the question above as follows: ``Since force is inversely proportional to position, the force on the block will remain the same when the mass is increased. But if the block is heavier, then it won't accelerate as fast. And if it doesn't accelerate as fast, then it will always be going slower and so will take longer to complete a full period (assuming it travels the same distance).'' Exaggeration can also solve this problem, but it generates a completely different answer: ``If the mass were infinite, then the block would hardly move at all. So the period would be infinite. Thus if the mass was increased a bit, the period would increase as well.'' Both of these techniques has advantages and limitations. DQ analysis is proven sound, but is incomplete. It can't answer every comparative analysis problem, but all of its answers are correct. Because exaggeration assumes monotonicity, it is unsound; some answers could be incorrect. Furthermore, exaggeration's use of nonstandard analysis makes it technically involved. However, exaggeration can solve several problems that are too complex for DQ analysis. The trick behind its power appears to have application to all of qualitative reasoning. -------