[comp.ai.digest] kannan's inquiry re sem nets

rapaport@CS.BUFFALO.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (12/07/87)

I couldn't contact Kannan by email (daemon problems); so here's a
reply about sem nets:

The SNePS semantic network processing system might be what you want.
Shapiro, Stuart C. (1979), ``The SNePS Semantic Network Processing System,''
in N. V. Findler (ed.),
Associative Networks
(New York: Academic Press, 1979): 179-203.
Shapiro, Stuart C., & Rapaport, William J. (1987),
``SNePS Considered as a Fully Intensional Propositional Semantic Network,''
in G. McCalla & N. Cercone (eds.),
The Knowledge Frontier:  Essays in the Representation of Knowledge
(New York:  Springer-Verlag):  262-315;
earlier version preprinted as Technical Report No. 85-15
(Buffalo:  SUNY Buffalo Dept. of Computer Science, 1985);
shorter version appeared in
Proc. 5th Nat'l. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-86; Philadelphia)
(Los Altos, CA:  Morgan Kaufmann), Vol. 1, pp. 278-83.