[comp.ai.digest] Conference - COIS88 Conference on Office Information Systems

rba@FLASH.BELLCORE.COM (Bob Allen) (12/29/87)

        COIS88 - Conference on Office Information Systems
                        March 23-25,1988
           Hyatt Rickeys Hotel, Palo Alto, California

Sponsored by: ACM SIGOIS and IEEECS TC-OA  
In cooperation with: IFIP W.G. 8.4

     Keynote: Terry Winograd
     Banquet: Kristen Nygaard, at Tresidder Union, Stanford University

     Collaborative Work (Chair: Irene Greif)
     Task Modeling, Planning, and Coordination (Chair: Carl Hewitt)
     Organizational Impact (Chair: Rob Kling)
     Social Research: Methods and Principles (Chair: Tora Bikson)
     Multimedia (Chair: Donald Chamberlin)
     Hypertext and Information Retrieval (Chair: Walter Bender)
     Object-Oriented and Distributed Databases
     Object-Oriented Programming Systems

     Hypertext and Electronic Publishing (chair: Norm Meyrowitz)
     Distributed Artificial Intelligence (chair: Les Gasser)
     User Design of Interfaces (Chair: Austin Henderson)
     Object-Oriented PS/DBMSs (chair: Stan Zdonik)

For more information contact:
     Najah Naffah, Bull, 1 Rue Ampere, BP 92 91301, Massy, France - or -
     Robert B. Allen, Bellcore, 2A-367, Morristown, NJ 07960 /
       (201)-829-4315 / rba@bellcore.com