nesliwa%nasamail@AMES.ARPA (NANCY E. SLIWA) (12/30/87)
Thanks to all of you who responded to my request for names of researchers doing connectionist research in the robotics domain. As I have had several requests for copies of that list, I am posting it here. A few disclaimers: I merely took the names sent to me, weeded out the duplicates, and put them in alphabetical order. Formats and cases are dissimilar for several entries. There is no guarantee that all the people listed are working in the robotics domain; in fact, I doubt that is the case. I put *** by the names that were repeatedly suggested to me, about 10 from the list of ~75. I have also had several requests about the ACC session on robotic applications of connectionist systems. I will post that in a subsequent message. Nancy Sliwa MS 152D NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665-5225 804/865-3871 Dr. Albert Ahumada NASA Ames Research Center 415/694-6257 James Albus National Bureau of Standards Aleksander, Igor (UK) Imperial College of Sci.& Technol. Department of Computing, 180 Queens Gate London SW7 2BZ, Tel.:(1)5895111 ext.4985 de Almeida, Luis B. (PORTUGAL) University of Lisboa Inst. Eng. Comp. Systems, Rua Alves Redol 9 P-1000 Lisboa, Tel.:(1)544607 Chuck Anderson cwa@gte-labs (csnet) connectionist methods for learning to balance an inverted pendulum GTE Laboratories Inc. 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02254 617-466-4157 Anderson, Dana Z. (USA) University of Colorado Department of Physics Boulder, CO 80309, Tel.:(303)492-5202 Comp.Net: DANA@JILA.BITNET Anninos, Photios (GREECE) University of Thraki Dept. Medicine, Neurol.& Med. Physics G-68100 Alexandroupolis, Tel.:(551)25292 Arbib, Michael A. (USA) *** University of Southern California Computer Science Dept., University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782, Tel.:(213)743-6452 Comp.Net: ARBIB@USC-CSE.USC.EDU.CSNET Barhen, Jacob (USA) *** Oak Ridge National Laboratory (moved to JPL/CalTech) P.O.Box X Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, Tel.:(615)5746162 Comp.Net: JBY@ORNL-MSR.ARPA Andrew Barto connectionist methods for learning to balance an inverted pendulum GTE Laboratories Inc. 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02254 617-466-4157 George Bekey grasping, connectionist models of material handling using multiple mobile robots Beroule, Dominique (FRANCE) LIMSI-CNRS Lab. Inform. Mecan.& Sci. l'Ing. F-91406 Orsay, Tel.:(16)9418250 Berthoz, Alain (FRANCE) CNRS Laboratoire de Physiol. Neurosensorielle 15 rue de l'Ecole de Medicine F-75270 Paris, Tel.:(1)4329-6154 Bienenstock, Elie (FRANCE) Universite de Paris-Sud Laboratoire de Neurobiol. du Developement Centre d'Orsay - Bat. 440 F-91405 Orsay, Tel.:(16)941-7825 Comp.Net: UNHA002@FRORS12.BITNET Dan Bullock Center for Adaptive Systems Department of Mathematics Boston University Boston, MA 02215 Caianiello, Eduardo R. (ITALY) Universita di Salerno Dipartimento di Fiscia Teorica I-84100 Salerno, Tel.:(89)878299 Dr. Gail Carpenter Northeastern University Department of Mathematics, 504LA 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Dr. Leon Cooper Brown University Center for Neural Science Providence, RI 02912 Cotterill, Rodney M. J. (DENMARK) Technical University of Denmark Div. Molecular Biophysics, Building 307 DK-2800 Lyngby, Tel.:(2)882488 Daunicht, Wolfgang (W.GERMANY) Universitt Dsseldorf Dept. Biophysics, Universittsstr. 1 D-4000 Dsseldorf 1, Tel.:(211)311-4538 Comp.Net: DAUNICHT@DD0RUD81.BITNET Dreyfus, Gerard (FRANCE) ESPCI Lab. d'Electronique, 10 rue Vauquelin F-75005 Paris, Tel.:(1)3377700 Comp.Net: UIFR000@FRORS31.BITNET Eckmiller, Rolf (W.GERMANY) Universitt Dsseldorf Dept. Biophysics, Universittsstr. 1 D-4000 Dsseldorf 1, Tel.:(211)311-4540 Comp.Net: ECKMILLE@DD0RUD81.BITNET Feldman, Jerome A. (USA) *** University of Rochester Computer Science Department Rochester, NY 14627, Tel.:(716)275-5492 Comp.Net: FELDMAN@ROCHESTER.ARPA FUKUSHIMA, KUNIHIKO (JAPAN) *** NHK BROADCASTING SCIENCE RESEARCH LAB. 1-10-11, KINUTA, SETAGAYA TOKYO 157, JAPAN TEL.:(3)415-5111 GARTH, SIMON (UK) TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LTD. MANTON LANE, M/S 4223 BEDFORD MK41 7PA TEL.:(234)223843 John Gilmore Georgia Tech Research Institute image processing Nigel Goddard Recognition from motion, motion control Dr. Stephen Grossberg *** Center for Adaptive Systems Room 244 111 Cummington Street Boston University Boston, MA 02215 HARTMANN,KLAUS-PETER(W.GERMANY) UNIVERSITAET PADERBORN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING POHLWEG 7 D-4790 PADERBORN TEL:(5251)601-2206 HECHT-NIELSEN, ROBERT (USA) NEUROCOMPUTER CORP. 5893 OBERLIN DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 TEL.: (619)546-8877 HERTZ, JOHN (DENMARK) NORDITA TEORETISK ATOMFYSIK BLEGDAMSVEJ 17 DK-2100 KOBENHAVN 0 TEL.:(1)421616 Geoffrey Hinton *** University of Toronto (was at CMU) HOFFMANN, KLAUS-PETER (W.GERMANY) UNIVERSITAET BOCHUM DEPT.GEN.ZOOLOGY UNIVERSITAETSSTR.150 D-4630 BOCHUM TEL.:(234)700-4364 HUBERMAN, BERNARDO A. (USA) XEROX PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER 3333 COYOTE HILL ROAD PALO ALTO, CA 94304 TEL.:(415)494-4147 COMP.NET: HUBERMAN@XEROX.ARPA Thea Iberall *** Hartford Gradate Center (currently at Toronto for the semester) neural networks for modeling human prehension JACKEL, LARRY D. AT & T BELL LABS. ROOM 4D-433 HOLMDEL, NJ 07733 TEL.:(201)949-7773 Mike Jordan Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst (413) 545-1596 Dr. Pentti Kanerva *** NASA Ames Research Center 415/694-6922 ARPA: UUCP: ames!riacs!kanrva KOCH, CHRISTOF (USA) CALTECH DIVISION OF BIOLOGY, 216-76 PASADENA, CA 91125 TEL.:(818)356-6855 COMP.NET:KOCH@HAMLET.BITNET KOENDERNIK, JAN J. (NETHERLAND) RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT FYSISCH LAB. PRINCETONPLEIN 5 NL-3508 TA UTRECHT TEL.:(30)533985 KOHONEN, TEUVO (FINLAND) HELSINKI UNIV. OF TECHNOLOGY DEPT. OF TECHNICAL PHYSICS SF-02150 ESPOO 15 TEL.:(0)460144 KORN, AXEL (W.GERMANY) FRAUNHOFER-INSTITUT INFORMATIONS- UND DATENVERARBEITUNG SEBASTIAN-KNEIPP-STR. 12-14 D-7500 KARLSRUHE 1 TEL.:(721)60911 V. D. MALSBURG, CHRISTOPH (W.GERMANY) MPI BIOPHS. CHEMIE DEPT. NEUROBIOLOGY NIKOLAUSBERG D-3400-GOETTINGEN TEL.:(551)201-623 COMP.NET: MPC07M AT DGOGWD01..BITNET MAY, DAVID (UK) INMOS LTD. 1000 AZTEC WEST, ALMONDSBURY BRISTOL BS124 SQ TEL.:(454)616616 Tom Miller Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham (EE Dept) MOORE, WILL R. (UK) OXFORD UNIVERSITY DEPT. OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE PARKS ROAD OXFORD OX1 3PJ TEL.:(865)273000 John Nagle adaptive control of a skidding autonomous vehicle Center for Design Research Stanford 415-856-0767 NIJMAN,A.(LOEK)J.(NETHERLANDS) PHILIPS RESEARCH LABS. WB3,P.O.BOX 80 000 NL-5600 JA EINDHOVEN TEL.:(40)742558 ORBAN, GUY (BELGIUM) KATHOL. UNIVERSITY LEUVEN LAB. NEURO- AND PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY B-3000 LEUVEN TEL.:(16)215740 PALM, GUENTHER (W.GERMANY) MPI FUER BIOLOGISCHE KYBERNETIK SPEMANNSTR. 38 D-7400 TUEBINGEN 1 TEL.:(7071)601551 COMP.NET:DKWA001@DTUZDV5A.BITNET PATARNELLO, STEFANO (ITALY) IBM ECSEC VIA GIORGIONE 159 I-00147 ROME TEL.:(6)54861 COMP.NET: PATARNEL AT IECSEC.BITNET PELLIONISZ, ANDRAS J. (USA) *** NEW YORK UNIVERSITY DEPT. PHYSIOLOGY & BIOPHYSICS 550 FIRST AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL.:(212)340-5422 PHILLIPS, WILLIAM A. (UK) UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING DEPT. PSYCHOLOGY STIRLING FK9 4LA TEL.:(786)73171 Gil Pitney robotic path planning UCSB Comp. Sci. Dept. (805)961-8221. REEKE, GEORGE N. ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 TEL.:(212)570-7627 COMP.NET:CDRNI@CUNYVM.BITNET SAMI, MARIAGIOVANNA (ITALY) POLITECNICO DI MILANO DEPT. ELECTRONICS PLAZA L. DA VINCI 32 I-20133 MILANO TEL.:(2)2367241 SCHULTEN, KLAUS (W.GERMANY) TU MUENCHEN PHYSIK-DEPARTMENT JAMES-FRANCK-STR. D-8046 GARCHING B. MUENCHEN TEL.:(89)3209-2368 V. SEELEN, WERNER (W.GERMANY) JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITAET DIVISION OF BIOPHYSICS SAARSTR. 21 D-6500 MAINZ TEL.:(6131)39-2471 SEJNOWSKI, TERRENCE J. (USA) *** JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS, JENKINS HALL BALTIMORE, MD 21218 TEL.:(301)338-8687 John Shepanski TRW, MS O2/1779 One Space Park Redondo Beach, CA, 90278 SINGER, WOLF (W.GERMANY) MPI FUER HIRNFORSCHUNG DIV. NEUROPHYSIOLOGY DEUTSCHORDENSTR. 46 D-6000 FRANKFURT 71 TEL.:(69)6704-218 Dr. Terrence Smith robotic path planning UCSB Comp. Sci. Dept. (805)961-8221. Paul Scott Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor (ECE Dept.) Don Soloway neural nets for robot manipulator kinematics MS 152D NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665-5225 804/865-3871 Rich Sutton GTE Labs (617) 466-4133 rich@gte-labs.csnet TANK, DAVID W. (USA) AT & T BELL LABS MOLEC BIOPHYS. RES. DEPT. 600 MOUNTAIN AVENUE MURRAY HILL, NJ 07974 TEL.:(201)582-7058 Dr. Richard F. Thompson Stanford University Department of Psychology Bldg. 4201 -- Jordan Hall Stanford, CA 94305 TORRAS, CARME (SPAIN) UNIV. DE POLITECH. DE CATALONIA INSTITUTE FOR CYBERNETICS, DIAGONAL 647 E-08028 BARCELONA TEL.:(3)249-2842 TRELEAVEN, PHILIP (UK) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE GOWER STREET LONDON WC1E 6BT TEL.: 13877050 COMP.NET: TRELEAVEN@CS.UCL.AC.UK.ARPA WALLACE,DAVID J.(UK) UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH DEPT.PHYSICS MAYFIELD ROAD EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ TEL:(31)6671081 ext.2850 Dr. Andrew B. Watson NASA Ames Research Center 415/694-5419 Dr Allen Waxman Laboratory for Sensory Robotics Boston University WEISBUCH, GERARD (FRANCE) ECOLE NORMAL SUPERIEURE PHYSIQUE DES SOLIDES 24 RUE LHOMOND F-75231 PARIS TEL.:(1)43291225 EXT.3475 ZEEVI, JOSHUA Y. (ISRAEL) TECHNION ISRAEL INST. TECHNOL. DEPT. OD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING HAIFA 32000, ISRAEL TEL.: (4)293111 ZUCKER,STEVEN(CANADA) MCGILL UNIVERSITY DEPT.ELECTRICAL ENG. MONTREAL,P.Q. TEL:(514)398-7134 COMP.NET:ZUCKER@SRI-IU.ARPA ZUSE, KONRAD (W.GERMANY) IM HASELGRUND 21 D-6518 HUENFELD TEL.:(6652)2928