forbus@P.CS.UIUC.EDU (Kenneth Forbus) (01/06/88)
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION SECOND WORKSHOP ON QUALITATIVE PHYSICS PARIS, JULY 26-28, 1988 Following last year's success of the first workshop on Qualitative Physics organized by the Qualitative Reasoning Group at the University of Illinois (with AAAI sponsorship), the second workshop on Qualitative Physics will be organized by the European Group on Qualitative Physics and the IBM Paris Scientific Center. The workshop, sponsored by the Commission of the European Community (JRC-Ispara) and in cooperation with AAAI, will be held in Paris on July 26-28, 1988. It is intended as a forum for discussion of ongoing research in Qualitative Physics and related areas. To develop interaction and exchange of ideas, a number of panels will be organized. We invite proposals for panels on ongoing debates in the area, such as: -- Causal Reasoning -- Mathematical Aspects of Qualitative Models -- Naive Physics versus Qualitative Physics Another suggested panel format is to pose a particular problem which panelists must use to focus discussion. Proposers for panels should obtain the agreement of the panelists and submit the proposal, including an outline of the suggested discussion, to the program chairman by March 8, 1988. ATTENDANCE: To encourage lively discussion, attendance will be by invitation only. If you are interested in attending, please submit five (5) copies of an extended abstract, up to 6 pages long, to the program chairman: Francesco Gardin Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Universita degli Studi di Milano Via Moretto da Bresica, 9 20133 Milano, ITALY tel. +39-2-2141230 The deadline for submissions is MARCH 8th, 1988 and invitations will be mailed APRIL 5th, 1988. Abstracts will be reviewed by an international scientific committee. Results already submitted for publication elsewhere are acceptable since no proceedings of the workshop will be published. A subset of the authors may be asked to contribute to a book based on the workshop. Besides presenters of papers, a limited number of observers may be accepted. For further information about the organization of the workshop, contact any member of the organizing committee, or: Olivier Raiman IBM Paris Scientific Center 3/5 Place Vendome, 75001 Paris, FRANCE tel. +33-1-4296-1475 ==================== ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Johan De Kleer (Xerox PARC) Ken Forbus (University of Illinois, Urbana) Pat Hayes (Xerox PARC), Ben Kuipers (University of Texas, Austin) and all the members of the European Qualitative Physics Committee: Flavio Argentesi (JRC-Ispra) Ivan Bratko (University of Ljubljana) John Campbell (Univ. College of London) Jean-Luc Dormoy (EDF) Boi Faltings (E.P.F. Lausanne) Francesco Gardin (University of Milan) Bernd Hellingrath (Fraunhofer-Institute ITW) Roy Leitch (Heriot-Watt University) Nicools J. Mars (Univ. of Twente) Pierre Van Nypelseer (AITECH, Brussels) Olivier Raiman (IBM Paris Scientific Centre) Peter Struss (Siemens)