[comp.ai.digest] Seminar - Non-Atomic Concurrency Control

GANGOLLI@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU (Anil R. Gangolli) (02/01/88)

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4-February-1988:  Nir Shavit

		Toward a Non-Atomic Era:
	       L-Exclusion as a Test Case

Most of the research in concurrency control has been based on the
existence of strong synchronization primitives such as test and set.
Following Lamport, recent research promoting the use of weaker
``safe'' rather then ``atomic'' primitives has resulted in
construction of atomic registers from safe ones, in the belief that
they would be useful tools for process synchronization.  It has been
shown that using such atomic registers it is impossible to create
strong synchronization primitives such as test and set.  We therefore
advocate a different approach, to skip the intermediate step of
achieving atomicity, and solve problems directly from safe registers.
We show how to achieve a fair solution to $\ell$-exclusion, a problem
previously solved assuming a very powerful form of test and set.  We
do so using safe registers alone and without introducing atomicity.
The solution is based on the construction of simple novel
synchronization primitives that are non-atomic.

*** Time and Place: 12:30pm, Th, Feb. 4, Margaret Jacks Hall (MJH), Room 352