[comp.ai.digest] Conference - Connectionist Modeling and Brain Function

jose@TRACTATUS.BELLCORE.COM (Stephen J. Hanson) (02/02/88)

                 Connectionist Modeling and Brain Function:
                        The Developing Interface

                         February 25-26, 1988
                         Princeton University
                        Lewis Thomas Auditorium

This symposium explores the interface between connectionist modeling
and neuroscience by bringing together pairs of collaborating speakers
or researchers working on related problems.  The speakers will consider 
the current state and future prospects of four fields in which convergence 
between experimental and computational approaches is developing rapidly.

        Thursday                                   Friday
Associative Memory and Learning          Sensory Development and Plasticity

           9:00 am                                 9:00 am
   Introductory Remarks                         Preliminaries
   Professor G. A. Miller                       Announcements

         9:15 am                                   9:15 am
Olfactory Process and Associative     Role of Neural Activity in the
Memory: Cellular and Modeling         Development of the Central Visual
Studies                               System: Phenomena, Possible Mechanism
                                      and a Model
   Professor A. Gelperin                 Professor Michael P. Stryker
   AT&T Bell Laboratories                University of California, San Francisco
   Princeton University

         10:30 am                              10:30 am
  Simple Neural Models of               Towards an Organizing Principle for a
  Classical Conditioning                Perceptual Network

   Dr. G. Tesauro                        Dr. R. Linsker, M.D., Ph.D. 
Center for Complex Systems Research      IBM Watson Research Lab

Noon-Lunch                            Noon-Lunch

           1:30 pm                               1:30 pm
Brain Rhythms and Network Memories:   Biological Constraints on a Dynamic
I. Rhythms Drive Synaptic Change      Network: Somatosensory Nervous System

    Professor G. Lynch                    Dr. T. Allard
University of California, Irvine      University of California, San Francisco

          3:00 pm                               3:00 pm
Brain Rhythms and Network Memories:   Computer Simulation of Representational
II. Rhythms Encode Memory             Plasticity in Somatosensory Cortical
Hierarchies                           Maps

     Professor R. Granger                  Professor Leif H. Finkel
University of California, Irvine           Rockefeller University
                                           The Neuroscience Institute

4:30 pm  General Discussion           4:30 pm General Discussion

5:30 pm  Reception                    5:30 pm Reception
Green Hall, Langfeld Lounge           Green Hall, Langfeld Lounge

Organizers                            Sponsored by

Stephen J. Hanson Bellcore &          Department of Psychology
Princeton U.                          Cognitive Science Laboratory
Carl R. Olson Princeton U.            Human Information Processing Group
George A. Miller, Princeton U.

Travel Information

Princeton is located in central New Jersey, approximately 50 miles
southwest of New York City and 45 miles northest of Philadelphia.  To
reach Princeton by public transportation, one usually travels through
one of these cities.  We recommend the following routes:

By Car
>From NEW YORK - - New Jersey Turnpike to Exit #9, New Brunswick; Route
18 West (approximately 1 mile) to U.S. Route #1 South, Trenton.  From
PHILADELPHIA - - Interstate 95 to U.S. Route #1 North.  From
Washington - - New Jersey Turnpike to Exit #8, Hightstown; Route 571.
Princeton University is located one mile west of U.S. Route #1.  It
can be reached via Washington Road, which crosses U.S. Route #1 at the
Penns Neck Intersection.

By Train

Take Amtrak or New Jersey Transit train to Princeton Junction, from
which you can ride the shuttle train (known locally as the "Dinky")
into Princeton.  Please consult the Campus Map below for directions on
walking to Lewis Thomas Hall from the Dinky Station.
For any further information concerning the conference please
contact our conference planner: 

			Ms. Shari Landes
			Psychology Department
			Princeton University, 08544

			Phone: 609-452-4663
			Elec. Mail: shari@mind.princeton.edu