The following is a Call for Participation to attend the first AI conference in the PR of China. Invited speakers are John McCarthy, Ray Reiter and John Sowa. International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IFIP WG2.6/WG8.1 Working Conference on The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Databases and Information Systems July 4-8, Guangzhou, China The Working Conference is about The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Databases and Information Systems as well as about the role of Databases in Artificial Intelligence based systems. The Working Conference features the invited speakers: John McCarthy, Stanford University: "Knowledge about knowledge in databases"; John Sowa, IBM: "Knowledge representation in databases, information systems and natural language"; Raymond Reiter, University of Toronto: "Integrity constraints in databases and knowledge bases". During the 5-day conference 30 additional papers will be presented, selected from a large number of submissions. The participation is limited to 75 non-Chinese scientists, and 75 Chinese scientists. Group travel will be arranged from Europe. Post conference tours in China will be arranged provided that there is enough interest for participating in the various tour alternatives. There will be a social program for accompanying persons during the conference. Persons who want to participate are requested to register promptly, because of time consuming organizational details, like getting a visa, etc. In CASE OF OVERBOOKING, first priority is given to authors of accepted papers, WG-members, TC-members, and persons who are involved in the organization of the conference (e.g. PC-members). Next, authors of rejected papers and persons who are already on the guest-lists of WG2.6 and WG8.1 will be invited to fill up the remaining slots. Third priority is given to scientists without any previous affiliation to IFIP-activities. ORGANIZATION: General Conference Chairperson: A. Solvberg, Norwegian Inst. Techn., Univ. Trondheim, Norway Program Committee Chairpersons: R. Meersman, Univ. Tilburg, The Netherlands C.H. Kung, Univ. Iowa, USA Conference Co-Chairpersons: S. Sa, People's Univ., P.R. China C.S Tang, Academia Sinica, P.R. China Conference Secretary: J.J. v. Griethuysen, Philips, The Netherlands Organization Committee: K. Xu, P.R. China (Chair) Z. Shi, P.R. China (Secretary) Q. Yao, P.R. China (Local Arrangements) S. Chen, P.R. China Y. Gu, China G. Wu, P.R. China J. Yang, Norway Program Committee: R. Balzer USA E. Neuhold F.R. Germany D. Beech USA G.M. Nijssen Australia J. Bubenko Sweden A. Olive Spain Y. Chen China A. Pirotte Belgium E. Falkenberg The Netherlands R. v.d. Riet The Netherlands M. Fox USA A. Robinson USA C. Furukawa Japan C. Rolland France A. Furtado Brazil E. Sandewall Sweden H. Gallaire F.R. Germany H.J. Schneider F.R. Germany G. Gardarin France A. Sernadas Portugal F. Golshani USA Z. Shi China L. Kerschberg USA L. Siklossy The Netherlands R. Lee USA A. Solvberg Norway V. Lum USA J. Sowa USA L. Mark USA R. Stamper UK J. Minker USA G. Wiederhold USA M. Morgenstern USA B. Yao USA B. Moulin Canada C. Zaniolo USA FULL PAPERS (45 min.): ---------------------- Cauvet C., Proix C., Rolland C.: "Information systems design: an expert system approach", France. Dubois E.: "Logical support for reasoning about the specifica- tion and the elaboration of requirements", Belgium Esculier C.: "Inheritances with exceptions: an approach based on semantic tolerance", France. Falkenberg E.D., van Kempen H., Mimpen N.: "Knowledge-based information analysis support", F.R. Germany. Jiang Y.J.: "A self-referential relational data model", UK. Lum V., Wu T., Hsiao D.: "Integrating advanced techniques into multimedia DBMS", USA. Neuhold E.J., Schrefl M.: "A knowledge-based approach to overcome structural differences in object oriented database integration", F.R. Germany. Nguyen G.T., Rieu D.: "Heuristic control on dynamic database objects", France. Qian W., Zhao Z.: "Temporal reasoning in DB", P.R. China. Rundensteiner E.A.: "The role of AI in DB's versus the role of DB theory in AI: an opinion", USA. Schiff J.: "The design of a knowledge based economic modeling tool (EMT) prototype", F.R. Germany. Sernadas C., Fiadeiro J., Sernadas A.: "Object-oriented conceptual modeling from law", Portugal. Shao J., Bell D. A., Hull M.E.C.: "LQL: A unified language for deductive database systems", UK. Tang C., Yin B.: "Data dependency and undecidability in a model of historical information system", P.R. China. Twine S.: "Representing facts in KEE's frame language", Australia. Wan J.-C., Zhou C.-H.: "MEX-1: an expert system shell", P.R. China. Wieringa R., van de Riet R.: "Algebraic specification of object dynamics in knowledge base domains", The Netherlands. Wohed R.: "Diagnosis of Conceptual schemas", Sweden. Zaniolo C., Sacca D.: "Rule rewriting methods in the implemen- tation of the logic data language LDL", USA. Zeng H., Tong Q., Yao W., Song X.: "HITKMS: a knowledge base machine system supporting cooperative expert-system and experiential learning", P.R. China. Zhang C., Tzu Y.: "A model for maintaining compiled Prolog databases", P.R. China. Zhou L., Yang D., Fan Z., Zhu L.: "QKBMS/75 -- A knowledge base management system growing from relational DBMS and logic programming language", P.R. China. SHORT PAPERS (15 min.): ----------------------- Berztiss A.T.: "On information-control systems, object orientation, and expert systems", USA. Demolombe R., Illarramendi A., Blanco J.M.: "Semantic optimization in data bases using artificial intelligence tech.s", France. Potter W.D., Nute D.: "d-KDL: an EDS environment incorporating defeasible reasoning", USA. Reimer U.: "On enriching the semantics of knowledge representa- tion models: a claim and an approach", F.R. Germany. Su B., Shi C., Wang K., Hu P., Shi H., Wang J.: "The architec- ture of a distributed knowledge base system", P.R. China. Shao J., Yao Q.: "A Knowledge-based query optimization system", P.R. China. Tang C.S., et. al.: "To connect the informal graphical design methodology with the formal specification in information system design", P.R. China. van Assche F., Loucopoulos P., Speltincx G.: "A rule-based approach to the development of information systems", Belgium. DETAILS OF THE ARRANGEMENT ARE: Conference fees: The conference fee will be approx. USD 250. There will be a social program for accompanying persons during the conference, approx. 20-25 USD/day/person, including lunches. Hotels: The recommended hotel is: East (Dong Fang) Hotel: Double room .......... 40 USD/day Single room .......... 30 USD/day A limited number of guest rooms of the Scientific Garden Building of "Guangzhou Association for Science & Technology" (GAST) may be available: Double room .......... 20 USD/day Single room .......... 12 USD/day The prices include breakfast. Group travel from Europe: Provided that there is enough interest, there will be arranged group travel from Europe. The details are: Price: Approx. 2000 Swiss Francs, from any European country. Outward trip July 1, evening, to Guangzhou via Hong Kong. Individual returns from either Beijing or Hong Kong. Post conference tour alternatives: There will be arranged post conference tours, if there are enough participating persons (min. 10 persons for each tour alternative). The details are [...] [Contact the message author for an application blank, hotel reservation form, and post-conference tour itineraries. -- KIL]