[comp.ai.digest] Conference - Illinois Workshop on Decision Making

haddawy@m.cs.uiuc.EDU (Peter Haddawy) (02/19/88)


      Representation and Use of Knowledge for Decision Making in Human,
                          Mechanized, and Ideal Agents

             Sponsored by the UIUC CogSci/AI Steering Committee

                       Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
                           June 15-17, 1988

The 1988 Illinois Interdisciplinary Workshop on Decision Making is
intended to bring together researchers working on the problem of
decision making from the fields of Artificial Intelligence,
Philosophy, Psychology, Statistics, and Operations Research.  Since
each area has traditionally stressed different facets of the problem,
researchers in each of the above fields should benefit from an
understanding of the issues addressed and the advances made in
the other fields.  We hope to provide an atmosphere that is both
intensive and informal.

There will be talks by ten invited speakers from the above mentioned
areas.  The current list of speakers includes: P.Cheeseman, J.Cohen,
J.Fox, W.Gale, J.Payne, R.Quinlan, B.Skyrms, and C.White.  The talks
will be followed by prepared commentaries and open floor discussion.
Additionally, speakers will participate in small moderated discussion
groups focused intensively on their work.

- The representation, organization and dynamics of the knowledge
  used in decision making.
- Decision making strategies.
- Decisions under constraints (limited rationality).
- Combining normative and descriptive theories.
- The use of domain knowledge to initialize beliefs and preferences.

This workshop will consist of a limited number of active participants,
commentators, and invited speakers.  To be considered for
participation, send a one page summary of your research interests and
publications no later than March 15.  Indicate also if you would like
to deliver either an inter- or intra-disciplinary commentary.
Commentators will receive copies of their assigned papers three weeks
prior to the workshop.  Acceptances will be mailed by April 4.

The registration fee is $50 general and $30 for students.  A copy of
the proceedings is included in the registration fee and will be
distributed at the workshop.  A few grants are available to cover most
or all travel, accommodation, and registration expenses.  In order to
be considered for a grant, include a request with your application.

Mail all correspondence to:  L. Rendell, Dept. of Computer
Science, University of Illinois, 1304 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL

U.Bockenholt, O.Coskunoglu, P.Haddawy, P.Maher, L.Rendell, E.Weber