*************************************************************************** National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT SPEAKER: Mr. Brian C. Falkenhainer University of Illinois TOPIC: Learning From Physical Analogies ABSTRACT: To make programs that understand and interact with the world as well as people do, we must duplicate the kind of flexibility people exhibit when conjecturing plausible explanations of the diverse physical phenomena they encounter. We view this flexibility as arising from an ability to detect similarities, within and across domains, between the various observed behaviors. Interpreting an observation often requires the flexible integration of knowledge from diverse sources and the formation of new theories about the world. For example, understanding processes such as heat flow and diffusion may involve reference to known theories of liquid flow, while explaining the behavior of an oscillating LC electric circuit may require a knowledge of springs. Verification-Based Analogical Learning is an approach to theory formation and revision which relies on analogical inference to hypothesize new theories, and gedanken experiments (i.e., simulation) to analyze their validity. It is an iterative process of hypothesis formation, verification, and revision which focuses on the problem of validating analogically derived models. This talk will describe the basic elements of verification-based analogical learning, the kinds of flexible yet constrained reasoning they enable, and discusses its implications for analogical reasoning in general. A number of examples from the current implementation, PHINEAS, will be used to explain and demonstrate the utility and diversity of this approach. BIOGRAPHY: Mr. Falkenhainer is a graduate student in the Ph.D program in Philosophy in Computer Science at the University of Illinois, and is a Research Assistant in the Qualitative Reasoning Group. His research in artificial intelligence focuses on the general tasks of theory formation and observation interpretation. A paper which appeared in the journal, Machine Learning, summarized the results of his master's thesis on the discovery of functional relationships in numeric data. A general tool for performing various types of analogical mappings, called the Structure-Mapping Engine (SME), is extensively described and analyzed in a paper recently submitted to the journal, Artificial Intelligence. In support of SME, a probabilistic generalization to traditional truth-maintenance systems was developed and is described in a paper from the 1986 workshop on uncertainty in AI. DATE: Monday, March 28, 1988 TIME: 3:00 - 4:00 pm BLDG. 244 Room 209 -------------- POINT OF CONTACT: Marlene Chin PHONE NUMBER: (415) 694-6525 NET ADDRESS: *************************************************************************** VISITORS ARE WELCOME: Register and obtain vehicle pass at Ames Visitor Reception Building (N-253) or the Security Station near Gate 18. Do not use the Navy Main Gate. Non-citizens (except Permanent Residents) must have prior approval from the Director's Office one week in advance. Submit requests to the point of contact indicated above. Non-citizens must register at the Visitor Reception Building. Permanent Residents are required to show Alien Registration Card at the time of registration. ***************************************************************************