A committee here at Boston College is presently investigating the state of the art of Expert Systems in higher education. We have determined several situations on campus which would benefit by this technology. We would very much appreciate any information and/or direction regarding the following queries. 1) What is the current interest level of faculty, staff, and students in applications of this techology? 2) What instructional applications of expert systems are already in existence? What type of development is going on in this area? 3) What level of success, if any, has resulted from internally developed expert systems? 4) What hardware, software, and other resources are currently in use? Future planning? 5) What problems should be foreseeable and addressed in planning and developing an Expert Systems laboratory? Please feel free to share your experiences/stories as we have very little to go on at this point. We would appreciate very much ANY response to these questions. If you could spare a few moments for a phone call, that would be great - call collect if you wish. Armand H. Doucette VAX Systems Programmer Boston College Computer Center Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 (617) 552-4463 BITNET: ARMAND@BCVMS