RAPPAPORT@C.CS.CMU.EDU (Alain Rappaport) (04/17/88)
From: Brian Gaines <gaines%calgary.cdn%ean.ubc.ca@relay.cs.net> Subject: AAAI KAW AAAI-88 WORKSHOP INTEGRATION OF KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION AND PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS Sunday August 21 1988 St Paul, Minnesota CALL FOR PAPERS & PARTICIPANTS One-week Knowledge Acquisition Workshops were held in North America in 1986 and 1987 under AAAI sponsorship, and a third was held in Europe in September 1987. In 1988 the AAAI Workshop will be held at Banff in November and the European one in June. These Workshops have attracted large-scale interest and involvement from those involved in knowledge acquisition studies. However, there are issues of integration at these Workshops that involve other research communities. In particular, the integration of knowledge acquisition and performance tools involves major problems and issues. Expert system shells and knowledge acquisition systems have been developed by different groups with different approaches to knowledge representation, user interfaces and other critical factors. There are also fundamental problems in transforming acquired knowledge intoforms appropriate to existing shells. This Workshop will address the theoretical and practical issues of integrating knowledge acquisition and performance systems. STRUCTURE The one-day Workshop is intended for active participants. It will be based on a number of short position, experience and survey papers leading into group discussion. Contributions on all aspects of the integration of acquisition and performance systems are welcome. In particular, we are looking for some short case histories of experience, both positive and negative, in transfer between acquisition tools and shells. SUBMISSIONS Papers: send 6 copies of a long abstract (at least 6 pages) or a draft paper. Participants: send 6 copies of a short bio, including relevant publications, and a short description of your relevant experience and projects. Submissions should be sent to Alan Rappaport by 1st May 1988. Please send a note or e-mail about the intention to submit and a provisional title as soon as possible. Notification about acceptance of papers and participation will be sent out by the end of May. Final papers and project synopses will be due by the end of June for the Workshop Proceedings. ORGANIZING COMMITTTEE Alan Rappaport, Neuron Data, (Alain.Rappaport@c.cs.cmu) Brian R. Gaines, University of Calgary, (gaines@calgary.cdn) John H. Boose, Boeing Computer Services (john@boeing.com) SUBMISSIONS TO Alan Rappaport Neuron Data 444 High Street Palo Alto CA 94301, USA (415) 321 4488