National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT SPEAKER: Dr. George L. Bretthorst University of Washington TOPIC: Bayesian Spectrum Analysis and Parameter Estimation ABSTRACT: Bayesian spectrum analysis is still in its infancy. It was born when E. T. Jaynes derived the periodogram as a sufficient statistic for determining the spectrum of a time sampled data set containing a single stationary frequency. Here we extend that analysis and explicitly calculate the joint posterior probability that multiple frequencies are present, independent of their amplitude and phase and the noise level. This is then generalized to include other parameters such as decay and chirp. Results are given for computer simulated data and for real data ranging from magnetic resonance to astronomy to economic cycles. We find substantial improvements in resolution over previous Fourier transform methods. DATE: Friday TIME: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. BLDG. 244 Room 103 May 6, 1988 -------------- POINT OF CONTACT: Marlene Chin PHONE NUMBER: (415) 694-6525 NET ADDRESS: *************************************************************************** VISITORS ARE WELCOME: Register and obtain vehicle pass at Ames Visitor Reception Building (N-253) or the Security Station near Gate 18. Do not use the Navy Main Gate. Non-citizens (except Permanent Residents) must have prior approval from the Director's Office one week in advance. Submit requests to the point of contact indicated above. Non-citizens must register at the Visitor Reception Building. Permanent Residents are required to show Alien Registration Card at the time of registration. ***************************************************************************