[comp.ai.digest] S.E. VS. K.E.: bad focussed title, I think...


Date: 28 April 1988, 09:02:38 EDT
From: Juan Francisco Suarez Vicente  (KIKO)          CMSBE1   at EOVUOV11

Hello !!!
I've received few answers about "Software Eng. VS. Knowledge Eng.", and
I'm agree with you. The problem I'd submitted to AILIST was because
a few months ago was presented in Spain a Conference with this title,
and my opinion was (and still follows being ) against this viewpoint.
Spain is an absolute beginner country in AI and K.E. subjects and,
how I suposse ocurred in other countries,some people tried to demonstrate
that AI techniques and K.E. techniques are "pure invention" and they
preferred attack AI than auto-critize their own methods.
My personal opinion: I'm agree with K.E. methodologies, and I'd like
give "good performance" reasons to its detractors, to demonstrate
them that Knowledge Engineering is not a "pure invention"...it's real
and very useful !!!!
And also I think that K.E. and Soft. Eng. can survive in a perfect
symbiosis.Cause of this,"VERSUS" isn't an appropiate word to relate them.
There are some conectives more suitables: WITH, AND, etc...
Do you think the same?
                   Kiko   (CMSBE1@EOVUOV11)   SPAIN
P.S.: Ahh...thank you too for answers about O-O techniques...