Date: 28 April 1988, 09:02:38 EDT From: Juan Francisco Suarez Vicente (KIKO) CMSBE1 at EOVUOV11 To: AILIST at SRI Hello !!! I've received few answers about "Software Eng. VS. Knowledge Eng.", and I'm agree with you. The problem I'd submitted to AILIST was because a few months ago was presented in Spain a Conference with this title, and my opinion was (and still follows being ) against this viewpoint. Spain is an absolute beginner country in AI and K.E. subjects and, how I suposse ocurred in other countries,some people tried to demonstrate that AI techniques and K.E. techniques are "pure invention" and they preferred attack AI than auto-critize their own methods. My personal opinion: I'm agree with K.E. methodologies, and I'd like give "good performance" reasons to its detractors, to demonstrate them that Knowledge Engineering is not a "pure invention"'s real and very useful !!!! And also I think that K.E. and Soft. Eng. can survive in a perfect symbiosis.Cause of this,"VERSUS" isn't an appropiate word to relate them. There are some conectives more suitables: WITH, AND, etc... Do you think the same? Kiko (CMSBE1@EOVUOV11) SPAIN P.S.: Ahh...thank you too for answers about O-O techniques...