[comp.ai.digest] Conference - Automating Software Design -- AAAI-88 Workshop

rdm@CS.BROWN.EDU (Robert McCartney) (05/04/88)


	    Automating software design: current directions
		       (a workshop at AAAI-88)

		Radison-St. Paul Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota
		       Thursday, 25 August 1988

In this workshop, we intend to discuss current approaches to automated
software design and how these approaches deal with: 1) acquiring
specifications, 2) acquiring and representing domain and design
knowledge, and 3) controlling search during design.  Among the issues
that might be addressed are the interaction of domain and design
knowledge, comparing automatic and interactive systems, the use of
general vs.  specific control mechanisms, and software environments
appropriate for design systems.

This is intended to be a forum for the presentation and discussion of
current ideas and approaches.  The format will consist of individual
presentations followed by adequate time for interaction with peers.
To maximize such interaction, participation will be limited to a small
number of  active researchers.  

Participation: Those interested in attending should submit a short
description of their research interests and current work to one of the
organizing committee (preferably electronically) by June 15.  At the
same time, those interested in making a presentation should submit a
short abstract (around 500 words) of their intended topic.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be given after July 15.
All participants may submit an extended abstract or position paper by
August 1; these will be reproduced and distributed at the workshop.

Organizing Committee:

 Michael Lowry            Robert McCartney	     Douglas R. Smith
Stanford/Kestrel	 Univ. of Connecticut	     Kestrel Institute	 
 (415) 325-3105           (203) 486-2428             (415) 493-6871
(lowry@kestrel.arpa)     (robert@uconn.csnet)      (smith@kestrel.arpa)

Hard-copy submissions may be sent to:

                          Douglas R. Smith
                          Kestrel Institute	 
                         1801 Page Mill Road
                        Palo Alto, CA 94304-1216