AIList-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU (AIList Moderator Nick Papadakis) (05/25/88)
Return-Path: <> Date: 20 May 88 09:20:36 GMT From: mcvax!ukc!its63b!aiva! (Kathleen King) Organization: Dept. of AI, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK Subject: expert system building tools Sender: To: I'm trying to find out what folk think of various expert system building tools they have experience with. If there's enough interest I'll post the results to the net. Ta. Do you now or have you ever used any of the following tools? Acquaint (A.K.A 'Daisy') APES Arity Expert System Development Package ART Auto-Intelligence Crystal DUCK ENVISAGE and SAGE ES Environment ESP advisor ESP Frame Engine EST(Expert Systems Toolkit) Experkit ExperOps Expert Controller Expert Ease/Super Expert Expert Edge Exsys Ex-Tran 7 1st Class 1st Class Fusion Flops GEST (Generic Expert System Tool) GOLDWORKS GURU G2 HUMBLE Insight 2+ Intelligence/Compiler KDS 3 KEATS (Knowledge Engineer's Assistant) KEE KES (Knowledge Engineering System) Keystone Knowledge Craft Knowledge Workbench Knowol Leonardo Lisp In-Ate/Micro In-Ate LOOPS M1 MacKIT MicroExpert Muse Nexpert/Nexpert Object Nexus OPS5 OPS83 Personal Consultant Easy Personal Consultant Plus PICON RuleMaster 2 Savoir Super Expert S1 TIMM TOPSI TWAICE VP Expert Wisdom XS Xi Plus XPER XSYS If so I'd greatly appreciate hearing your answers to the following questions. 1) How long did it take to learn? 2) Did you teach yourself or get 'learning support'? 3) Do you still use it? 4) Would you choose it again or something else? 5) What sort of application have you used it for? 6) Have you used it for more than one application? I realise that many PC users who might have these tools do not have access to the net. Second hand information from them is just as valuable. Thanks verrrry much.