[net.jobs] Microsoft needs Wizards

gordonl@microsoft.UUCP (Gordon Letwin) (02/21/84)

This is a "solicitation" letter from the Microsoft Corp.  It's written
by a software engineer, rather than the personnel dept:

I consider Microsoft an excellent home for the software wizard because:

	1) its a great place to work.  The company is owned (a key issue)
	   and operated by software wizards: Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
	   This means :
		- private offices (as many with windows as topology permits)
		- informal lounges for design/discussion/rap sessions
		- whatever hardware facilities are needed for the job
		- Microwave ovens, refrigerators, free soda, etc.
			throughout the buildings

           But, most importantly, you're working for and with other
           systems programmers that understand both the job and the
	   people.  The technical hierarchy is kept very simple and
           "shallow" so that there is minimal bullshit and over-

           Since the development people report strictly to software
           engineers, who report directly to chairman/CEO Gates, we
           never do anything stupid because some manager/MBA/suit-type
           has power without knowledge.  (When we do something stupid,
           its our own fault!) Likewise, there are no "politics", just

	2) The work that you do here at Microsoft MATTERS.  Your work
	   won't be canceled due to some political/financial upheaval,
	   nor just used in-house; your work will be used by millions
	   of people.  Most sharp software people have seen endless
	   amounts of software that "missed the boat".  If you've felt
	   this way, here's your chance to show the world (and yourself)
	   just how good you are.

I've been here over 5 years; thats the most sincere recommendation I
can give.  This is a place where I can literally explore the limits of
my capabilities as a software engineer.  The company that did the
first microcomputer system software (BASIC), the first plug-in
processor (the Softcard), the first lap-held computer (we conceived
and designed the Tandy Model 100) and many other "firsts" lacks no
boldness of vision.  Since we're "owned and operated" by these same
bold people, having no venture capital owners or cash crunches to
limit us, the company's limits are set only by the ability of our
engineers to envision great things and then to (the tough part) make
them fly.

Like the variety of small startups, Microsoft offers its key technical
people stock options.  We can offer technical challenges as good as
or better than startups, financial packages ditto, and, since we're
> 90% owned by ourselves, we have no outside investors to restrict or
direct our development efforts.

If you're interested in the possibilities, please send your resume or
request additional information from:

	Joann Rahal
	Microsoft Corp.
	10700 Northup Way
	Bellevue, WA  98004