Date: Mon, 20 Jun 88 06:56 EDT From: YLIKOSKI%FINFUN.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: on the concept of will To: AILIST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU X-Original-To: @AILIST, YLIKOSKI Distribution-File: AILIST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU This is an attempt by me to do some research into the concept of free will. First, I would recommend to everyone Carlos Castaneda's books. They approach the concept of will from Yaqui Indian knowledge point of view. The Yaqui have their own scientific tradition anthropologically studied by Castaneda. Their science is very different from Western sci but non-trivial and honorable. Secondly - we might have a look at the very life itself and study what people do actually will in the real life. Examples: * marry a lovely spouse and raise smart children * exceed one's sales quota at IBM * beat the competition in Silicon Valley * <in my case> travel to Israel and learn Hebrew * kill that enemy soldier with one's bayonette * find out what the life, the universe, and everything are * explain it to others * relax with a good book and California wine Andy Ylikoski