(Graeme Hirst) (06/30/88)
From: Graeme Hirst <> Date: Sat, 25 Jun 88 10:04 EDT To: ailist <@NSS.CS.UCL.AC.UK,> Subject: Visiting position in NL at Toronto VISITING POSITION IN NATURAL LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP (DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE) A one-year visiting position, for a post-doc or more senior person, is available in the University of Toronto A.I. group, in the area of natural language understanding and computational linguistics. The visitor would carry a 50% teaching load (one half-course per semester), supervise MSc theses, and participate in the research group's activities. The position is to commence asap. The Toronto A.I. group includes 6.5 faculty, 2 research scientists, and approximately 40 graduate students. The natural language subgroup includes one faculty member (Graeme Hirst) and about ten graduate students. For more information, contact Graeme Hirst, preferably by e-mail: In North America: In U.K./Europe: Phone (in U.K. until 18 July): 031 225 7774 x.225 (in Canada from 19 July): 416-978-8747 Write: Graeme Hirst Dept Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, CANADA M5S 1A4