drl@backup (David R. Linn) (07/12/88)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 88 22:19 EDT From: David R. Linn <drl@backup> To: ailist@ai.ai.mit.edu Subject: LISP implementations Does anyone have any experience with a LISP implementation that does not rely on an interpreter? I know of none such but before I state (in my master's thesis) or even imply that LISP is *always* implemented with an interpreter, I thought I'd solicit confirmation (or counterexample) from the readers of AILIST(/comp.ai?). Please reply directly to me as this is not likely to be of interest to most of the readership; "if there is evidence of sufficient interest, I will summarize to the list/newsgroup." NB: my mailer is broken; reply to the address below - not to the address in the header. (The postmaster is busy working on his master's thesis.) David Linn - System Manager/Postmaster Vanderbilt University School of Engineering drl@vuse.vanderbilt.edu -or- ...!uunet!vuse!drl