(John Benton) (07/18/88)
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 88 12:48 EDT From: John Benton <> To: Subject: AI Research for the Battlefield Environment *******************************CALL FOR ABSTRACTS**************************** The U.S. Army Symposium/Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Research for the Battlefield Environment will be held on November 15-18, 1988 at the Westin Hotel in El Paso, Texas. The Symposium/Workshop is being held under the auspices of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development and Acquisition and is co-sponsored by the U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories, The Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory and the Ballistic Research Laboratory. No classified papers will be presented at the Symposium. Extended abstracts (of 200 to 300 words) addressing the issues listed in the attached Symposium Program are being solicited. Abstracts which most closely address these issues will be given preference for acceptance. The abstracts must be submitted to the Session Chairs listed below by September 1, 1988. Contractors are reminded to include a clearance from their Contracting Officer with the abstract. Government authors must include a clearance for the abstract from their agency. Authors of abstracts accepted for inclusion in the symposium will be notified not later than September 30 that their abstract has been accepted and that a camera-ready manuscript must be submitted no later than the first day of the Symposium. Letters indicated that the papers have been cleared by the relevant authorities must be included with the submitted paper. The chairman for the Session on Automated Terrain Reasoning is John R. Benton, tel: (202)355-2717, Autovon 345-2717, ARPANET: His address is Commander and Director U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories ATTN: ETL-RI-I (John Benton) Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5546 The chairman for the Session on The Realistic Battlefield is Dr. Howard Holt. tel: (505)678-2412 or Autovon 258-2412. His address is Commander and Director U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Lab ATTN: SLCAS-AS (DR. E. Howard Holt) White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002-5501 The chairman for the Session on State-of-the-Art Applications is Morton Hirschberg. tel: (301)278-6661 Autovon 298-6661, ARPANET: Director Ballistic Research Laboratory ATTN: SLCBR-SE-C (M. Hirschberg) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 (Note: Abstracts may be sent by ARPANET to Mr. Benton or Mr. Hirschberg accompanied by a statement that the abstract has been cleared and that the the clearance has been mailed.) John Benton Program Committee Chairman **************************************************************************** Symposium Program for U.S. Army Symposium/Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Research for the Battlefield Environment Session I: Introduction and Military Requirements Session II: Automated Terrain Reasoning Session Chair: John R. Benton, U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories Assuming the existence of a topographic data base, can automated terrain rea- soning systems be developed to provide support for operations in the Battle- field Environment. Submitted papers should address the following questions: a. What are the relevant military doctrines; can we identify them, con- vert them to computer representation? b. What current research on spatial reasoning has been done that is relevant to exploiting the battlefield environment? What additional research needs to be done? Can cold weather factors be incorporated into the research efforts? c. How will the Condensed Army Mobility Model System (CAMMS) be integrated into automated terrain reasoning. Are there inadequacies in the model? d. What special requirements do terrain reasoning systems put on Geo- graphic Information Systems (GIS)? Are present GIS's adequate? e. Do Expert Systems (ES) have a role in spatial reasoning - fundamen- tally or only as an interface to the military doctrine representation? f. How can we make the information usable to the GI in the Field? Will it be at platoon, company, battalion, division or corps? Is it premature to distinguish applications along these lines? Session III: The Realistic Battlefield Session Chairman: Dr. Howard Holt, U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory How can we apply artificial intelligence techniques for exploitation of the realistic battlefield environment with multiple sources of smoke, dust and obscurants? Papers will address the following questions: a. Is relevant military doctrine subjective? Can it easily be converted to a computer representation. b. How can information on smoke and obscurants be usefully presented to the GI in the field? c. Can Geographic Information Systems be used to represent obscurants which move as a function of time. How can obscurant data be made to interact with a GIS. d. What role will Expert Systems (ES) play? Session III: State-of-the Art Applications Session Chair: Morton Hirschberg, U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory Are there any State-of-the Art applications? What are the best candidates for automating terrain reasoning? Submitted papers should address these questions.