[comp.ai.digest] does AI kill?

HDavis.pa@XEROX.COM (Harley Davis) (07/20/88)

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 12:34 EDT
Sender: hdavis.pa@Xerox.COM
From: Harley Davis <HDavis.pa@Xerox.COM>
Subject: Does AI Kill?
In-reply-to: AIList Moderator Nick Papadakis <AIList-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>'s
 message of Mon, 18 Jul 88 00:20 EDT

I used to work as the artificial intelligence community of the Radar Systems
Division at Raytheon Co, the primary contractors for the Aegis detection radar.
(Yes, that's correct - I was the only one in the community.)  Unless the use of
AI in Aegis was kept extremely classified from everyone there, it did not use
any of the techniques we would normally call AI, including rule-based expert
systems.  However, it probably used statistical/Bayesian techniques to interpret
and correlate the data from the transponder, the direct signals, etc. to come up
with a friend/foe analysis.   This analysis is simplified by the fact that our
own jets give off special transponder signals.

But I don't think this changes the nature of the question - if anything, it's
even more horrifying that our military decision makers rely on programs ~even
less~ sophisticated than the most primitive AI systems.

-- Harley Davis

Gavan@SAMSON.CADR.DIALNET.SYMBOLICS.COM (Gavan Duffy) (07/20/88)

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 20:50 EDT
Subject: Re: does AI kill?
To: AIList%AI.AI.MIT.EDU@Riverside.SCRC.Symbolics.COM
In-Reply-To: The message of 15 Jul 88 06:29 PDT from att!occrsh!occrsh.ATT.COM!tas@bloom-beacon.mit.edu

     no AI does not kill, but AI-people do. 

Only if they have free will.

Hoffman.es@Xerox.COM (Rodney Hoffman , (07/22/88)

Sender: Hoffman.es@Xerox.COM
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 88 12:13 EDT
Subject: Re: does AI kill?
From: Rodney Hoffman <Hoffman.es@Xerox.COM>

The July 18 Los Angeles Times carries an op-ed piece by Peter D. Zimmerman, a
physicist who is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace and director of its Project on SDI Technology and Policy:


  [In the Iranian Airbus shootdown,] the computers aboard ship use 
  artificial intelligence programs to unscramble the torrent of infor-
  mation  pouring from the phased array radars.  These computers decided 
  that the incoming Airbus was most probably a hostile aircraft, told 
  the skipper, and he ordered his defenses to blast the bogey (target) 
  out of the sky.  The machine did what it was supposed to, given the 
  programs in its memory.  The captain simply accepted the machine's 
  judgment, and acted on it....
  Despite the fact that the Aegis system has been exhaustively tested at 
  the RCA lab in New Jersey and has been at sea for years, it still failed 
  to make the right decision the first time an occasion to fire a live 
  round arose.  The consequences of a similar failure in a "Star Wars"
  situation could lead to the destruction of much of the civilized world.
  [Descriptions of reasonable scenarios ....]
  The advocates of strategic defense can argue, perhaps plausibly, that 
  we have now learned our lesson.  The computers must be more sophisticated,
  they will say.  More simulations must be run and more cases studied so 
  that the artificial intelligence guidelines are more precise.
  But the real lesson from the tragedy in the Persian Gulf is that 
  computers, no matter how smart, are fallible.  Sensors, no matter how 
  good, will often transmit conflicting information.  The danger is not 
  that we will fail to prepare the machines to cope with expected situa-
  tions.  It is the absolute certainty that crucial events will be ones 
  we have not anticipated.
  Congress thought we could prevent a strategic tragedy by insisting that 
  all architectures for strategic defense have the man in the loop.  We 
  now know the bitter truth that the man will be captive to the computer,
  unable to exercise independent judgment because he will have no indepen-
  dent information, he will have to rely upon the recommendations of his
  computer adviser.  It is another reason why strategic defense systems 
  will increase instability, pushing the world closer to holocaust -- 
  not further away.
  - - - - - 

I'm not at all sure that Aegis really uses much AI.  But many lessons implicit
in Zimmerman's piece are well-taken.  Among them:  

  * The blind faith many people place in computer analysis is rarely 
    justified.  (This of course includes the hype the promoters use to
    sell systems to military buyers, to politicians, and to voters.  
    Perhaps the question should be "Does hype kill?")
  * Congress's "man in the loop" mandate is an unthinking palliative, 
    not worth much, and it shouldn't lull people into thinking the problem 
    is fixed.
  * To have a hope of being effective, "people in the loop" need additional
    information and training and options.
  * Life-critical computer systems need stringent testing by disinterested
    parties (including operational testing whenever feasible).
  * Many, perhaps most, real combat situations cannot be anticipated.
  * The hazards at risk in Star Wars should rule out its development.

  -- Rodney Hoffman



Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 10:26 EDT
Subject:  Re: Does AI kill?
To: ailist@ai.ai.mit.edu
X-Original-To:  edu%"ailist@ai.ai.mit.edu", MORRISETT

  Thinking on down the line...

  Suppose we eventually construct an artificially intelligent
  "entity."  It thinks, "feels", etc...  Suppose it kills someone
  because it "dislikes" them.  Should the builder of the entity
  be held responsible?

  Just a thought...

  Greg Morrisett

GKMARH@IRISHMVS.BITNET (steven horst 219-289-9067) (07/26/88)

X-Delivery-Notice:  SMTP MAIL FROM does not correspond to sender.
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 88 18:36 EDT
To: ailist@ai.ai.mit.edu
From: steven horst 219-289-9067 <GKMARH%IRISHMVS.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Does AI kill? (long)

I must say I was taken by surprise by the flurry of messages about
the tragic destruction of a commercial plane in the Persian Gulf.
But what made the strongest impression was the *defensive* tone
of a number of the messages.  The basic defensive themes seemed to be:
  (1) The tracking system wasn't AI technology,
  (2) Even if it WAS AI technology, IT didn't shoot down the plane
  (3) Even if it WAS AI and DID shoot down the plane, we mustn't
      let people use that as a reason for shutting off our money.
Now all of these are serious and reasonable points, and merit some
discussion.  I think we ought to be careful, though, that we
don't just rationalize away the very real questions of moral
responsibility involved in designing systems that can affect (and
indeed terminate) the lives of many, many people.  These questions
arise for AI systems and non-AI systems, for military systems and
commercial expert systems.
     Let's start simple.  We've all been annoyed by design flaws
in comparatively simple and extensively tested commercial software,
and those who have done programming for other users know how hard
it is to idiotproof programs much simpler than those needed by the
military and by large private corporations.  If we look at expert
systems, we are faced with additional difficulties: if the history of
AI has shown anything, it has shown that "reducing" human reasoning
to a set of rules, even within a very circumscribed domain, is much
harder than people in AI 30 years ago imagined.
     But of course most programs don't have life-and-death consequences.
If WORD has bugs, Microsoft loses money, but nobody dies.  If SAM
can't handle some questions about stories, the Yale group gets a grant
to work on PAM.  But much of the money that supports AI research
comes from DOD, and the obvious implication is that what we design
may be used in ways that result in dire consequences.  And it really
won't do to say, "Well, that isn't OUR fault....after all, LOTS of
things can be used to hurt people.  But if somebody gets hit by a car,
it isn't the fault of the guy on the assembly line."  First of all,
sometimes it IS the car company's fault (as was argued against Audi).
But more to the point, the moral responsibility we undertake in
supplying a product increases with the seriousness of the consequences
of error and with the uncertainty of proper performance.  (Of course
even the "proper" performance of weapons systems involves the designer
in some moral responsibility.)  And the track record of very large
programs designed by large teams - often with no one on the team
knowing the whole system inside and out - is quite spotty, especially
when the system cannot be tested under realistic conditions.
     My aim here is to suggest that lots of people in AI (and other
computer-related fields) are working on projects that can affect lots
of people somewhere down the road, and that there are some very
real questions about whether a given project is RIGHT - questions
which we have a right and even an obligation to ask of ourselves, and
not to leave for the people supplying the funding.  Programs that
can result in the death or injury of human beings are not morally
neutral.  Nor are programs that affect privacy or the distribution
of power or wealth.  We won't all agree on what is good, what is
necessary evil and what is unpardonable, but that doesn't mean we
shouldn't take very serious account of how our projects are
INTENDED to be used, how they might be used in ways we don't intend,
how flaws we overlook may result in tragic consequences, and how
a user who lacks our knowledge or uses our product in a context it
was not designed to deal with can cause grave harm.
     Doctors, lawyers, military professionals and many other
professionals whose decisions affect other people's lives have ethical
codes.  They don't always live up to them, but there is some sense
of taking ethical questions seriously AS A PROFESSION.  It is good to
see groups emerging like Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility.  Perhaps it is time for those of us who work in AI
or in computer-related fields to take a serious interest, AS A
PROFESSION, in ethical questions.
     --Steve Horst     BITNET address....gkmarh@irishmvs
                       SURFACE MAIL......Department of Philosophy
                                         Notre Dame, IN  46556

jlc@goanna.OZ.AU (Jacob L. Cybulski) (08/09/88)

To: munnari!comp-ai-digest@uunet.UU.NET
Path: goanna!jlc
From: Jacob L. Cybulski <munnari!goanna.oz.au!jlc@uunet.UU.NET>
Newsgroups: comp.ai.digest
Subject: Re: does AI kill?
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 88 07:52 EDT
References: <19880721201606.2.NICK@HOWARD-JOHNSONS.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Organization: Comp Sci, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia
Lines: 10

The Iranian airbus disaster teaches us one thing about "AI Techniques",
and this is that most of the AI companies forget that the end product
of AI research is just a piece of computer software that needs to be
treated like one, i.e. it needs to go through a standard software 
life-cycle and proper software engineering principles still apply to
it no matter how much intelligence is burried in its intestines.

I don't even mention the need to train the system users.
