75008378%VAX2.NIHED.IE@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (09/08/88)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 88 09:58 EDT From: 75008378%VAX2.NIHED.IE@MITVMA.MIT.EDU To: ailist@ai.ai.mit.edu Subject: Darwinism applied to Machine Learning. Sender: "hea\"75008378@vax2.nihed.ie\"" <75008378%vax2.nihed.ie@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> Hello, I'm a lecturer in the School of Electronic Engineering here in NIHED in Dublin, and I'll shortly be embarking on research for a PhD. I am interested in Machine Learning, particularly with a minimal knowledge base and/or using "darwinian"/genetic type mechanisms. I'd appreciate hearing from people working in this area (especially, but not exclusively, in Ireland or the UK). As a quid pro quo, I have just completed an internal research report, reviewing some work on adaptive classifier systems (Holland et al) and neuronal group selection (Reeke & Edelman); I won't post it because its rather long, but I'll happily e-mail it to anyone who's interested. Thanks, Barry McMullin EARN/BITNET/EUNET: <MCMULLINB@VAX2.NIHED.IE>