AIList-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU (AIList Moderator Nick Papadakis) (05/25/88)
Date: 16 May 88 12:07:18 To: From: ALFONSEC%EMDCCI11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Comment: CROSSNET mail via SMTP@INTERBIT Date: 16 May 1988, 12:02:14 HOE From: ALFONSEC at EMDCCI11 (EARN, Manuel Alfonseca) To: AILIST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU at EDU Ref: Free will et al. Previous appends have stated that all values are learned. I believe that some are innate. For instance, the crudest form of the justice value "Why should I receive less than (s)he?" seems to exist in babies as soon as they can perceive and before anybody has tried to teach them. Any comments? How does this affect free will in AI? Regards, Manuel Alfonseca, ALFONSEC at EMDCCI11 Usual disclaimer: My opinions are my own.
Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (07/18/88)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 88 12:48 EDT From: To: To: Path:!Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU From: Ralf.Brown@B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Generality in Artificial Intelligence Message-ID: <22d9eea5@ralf> Date: 12 Jul 88 10:49:09 GMT Sender: Lines: 29 In-Reply-To: <19880712044954.9.NICK@HOWARD-JOHNSONS.LCS.MIT.EDU> In a previous article, YLIKOSKI@FINFUN.BITNET writes: }Thus, it would seem that in order for us to see true commonsense }knowledge exhibited by a program we need: } } * a vast amount of knowledge involving the world of a person } in virtual memory. The knowledge involves gardening, } Buddhism, the emotions of an ordinary person and so forth - } its amount might equal a good encyclopaedia. Actually, it would probably put the combined text of several good encyclopedias to shame. Even encyclopedias and dictionaries leave out a lot of "common-sense" information. The CYC project at MCC is a 10-year undertaking to build a large knowledge base of real world facts, heuristics, and methods for reasoning over the knowledge base.[1] The current phase of the project is to carefully represent 400 articles from a one-volume encyclopedia. They expect their system to contain about 10,000 frames once they've encoded the 400 articles, about half of them common-sense concepts. [1] CYC: Using Common Sense Knowledge to Overcome Brittleness and Knowledge Acquisition Bottlenecks, AI Magazine v6 #4. -- UUCP: {ucbvax,harvard}!!ralf -=-=-=- Voice: (412) 268-3053 (school) ARPA: BIT: FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/31 Disclaimer? I |Ducharm's Axiom: If you view your problem closely enough claimed something?| you will recognize yourself as part of the problem.
MEIBMDM@GITVM2.BITNET (Deeptendu Majumder) (07/21/88)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 88 23:37 EDT From: Deeptendu Majumder <MEIBMDM%GITVM2.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> To: AILIST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU I have been trying to get information about GRAPHAEL GBASE object oriented system. An address would be a great help. Thanks Deeptendu Majumder Box 30963 Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA 30332 <MEIBMDM @ GITVM2> (SCIA confrence in OULU) (09/26/88)
---- Forwarded Message Follows ---- Return-path: <@AI.AI.MIT.EDU,@KL.SRI.COM:enea!!postmaster@UUNET.UU.NET> Received: from AI.AI.MIT.EDU by ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU via CHAOS with SMTP id 196087; 22 Sep 88 07:51:47 EDT Received: from KL.SRI.COM (TCP 1200200002) by AI.AI.MIT.EDU 22 Sep 88 07:58:54 EDT Received: from uunet.UU.NET by KL.SRI.COM with TCP; Thu, 22 Sep 88 04:50:28 PDT Received: from enea.UUCP by uunet.UU.NET (5.59/1.14) with UUCP id AA02552; Thu, 22 Sep 88 07:50:12 EDT Received: by (5.57++/1.84) id AA02889; Thu, 22 Sep 88 13:38:12 +0200 (MET) Received: by; id AA26398; Thu, 22 Sep 88 14:05:15 +0200 Received: from (stek5) by (5.57++/SMI-3.0DEV3) id AA16342; Thu, 22 Sep 88 13:33:00 +0300 Received: by (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA00344; Thu, 22 Sep 88 13:42:54 +0300 Date: Thu, 22 Sep 88 13:42:54 +0300 From: (SCIA confrence in OULU) Message-Id: <> To: ailist@KL.SRI.COM The 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis ================================================= June 19 - 22, 1989 Oulu, Finland Second Call for Papers INVITATION TO 6TH SCIA The 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (6SCIA) will be arranged by the Pattern Recognition Society of Fin- land from June 19 to June 22, 1989. The conference is spon- sored by the International Association for Pattern Recogni- tion. The conference will be held at the University of Oulu. Oulu is the major industrial city in North Finland, situated not far from the Arctic Circle. The conference site is at the Linnanmaa campus of the University, near downtown Oulu. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Erkki Oja, Conference Chairman Matti Pietik{inen, Program Chairman Juha R|ning, Local organization Chairman Hannu Hakalahti, Exhibition Chairman Jan-Olof Eklundh, Sweden Stein Grinaker, Norway Teuvo Kohonen, Finland L. F. Pau, Denmark SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM The program will consist of contributed papers, invited talks and special panels. The contributed papers will cov- er: * computer vision * image processing * pattern recognition * perception * parallel algorithms and architectures as well as application areas including * industry * medicine and biology * office automation * remote sensing There will be invited speakers on the following topics: Industrial Machine Vision (Dr. J. Sanz, IBM Almaden Research Center) Vision and Robotics (Prof. Y. Shirai, Osaka University) Knowledge-Based Vision (Prof. L. Davis, University of Maryland) Parallel Architectures (Prof. P. E. Danielsson, Link|ping University) Neural Networks in Vision (to be announced) Image Processing for HDTV (Dr. G. Tonge, Independent Broadcasting Authority). Panels will be organized on the following topics: Visual Inspection in the Electronics Industry (moderator: prof. L. F. Pau); Medical Imaging (moderator: prof. N. Saranummi); Neural Networks and Conventional Architectures (moderator: prof. E. Oja); Image Processing Workstations (moderator: Dr. A. Kortekan- gas). SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended summary of at least 1000 words of each of their papers to: Professor Matti Pietik{inen 6SCIA Program Chairman Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Oulu SF-90570 OULU, Finland tel +358-81-352765 fax +358-81-561278 telex 32 375 oylin sf net The summary should contain sufficient detail, including a clear description of the salient concepts and novel features of the work. The deadline for submission of summaries is December 1, 1988. Authors will be notified of acceptance by January 31st, 1989 and final camera-ready papers will be re- quired by March 31st, 1989. The length of the final paper must not exceed 8 pages. In- structions for writing the final paper will be sent to the authors. EXHIBITION An exhibition is planned. Companies and institutions in- volved in image analysis and related fields are invited to exhibit their products at demonstration stands, on posters or video. Please indicate your interest to take part by con- tacting the Exhibition Committee: Matti Oikarinen P.O. Box 181 SF-90101 OULU Finland tel. +358-81-346488 telex 32354 vttou sf fax. +358-81-346211 SOCIAL PROGRAM A social program will be arranged, including possibilities to enjoy the location of the conference, the sea and the midnight sun. There are excellent possibilities to make post-conference tours e.g. to Lapland or to the lake dis- trict of Finland. The social program will consist of a get-together party on Monday June 19th, a city reception on Tuesday June 20th, and the conference Banquet on Wednesday June 21st. These are all included in the registration fee. There is an extra fee for accompanying persons. REGISTRATION INFORMATION The registration fee will be 1300 FIM before April 15th, 1989 and 1500 FIM afterwards. The fee for participants cov- ers: entrance to all sessions, panels and exhibition; proceedings; get-together party, city reception, banquet and coffee breaks. The fee is payable by - check made out to 6th SCIA and mailed to the Conference Secretariat; or by - bank transfer draft account or - all major credit cards Registration forms, hotel information and practical travel information are available from the Conference Secretariat. An information package will be sent to authors of accepted papers by January 31st, 1989. Secretariat: Congress Team P.O. Box 227 SF-00131 HELSINKI Finland tel. +358-0-176866 telex 122783 arcon sf fax +358-0-1855245 There will be hotel rooms available for participants, with prices ranging from 135 FIM (90 FIM) to 430 FIM (270 FIM) per night for a single room (double room/person).