[comp.ai.digest] AI applications to building design and construction

info@SCARECROW.CSEE.LEHIGH.EDU (Info Directory-x4508) (10/12/88)

In response to sean@cadre.dsl.pittsburgh.edu  (Sean McLinden)
query for pointers to AI applications to building design and construction

Sean states:

>I am well aware of a number of AI applications to CAD that are used
>in building design, but I am curious to know if anyone has looked at
>the various processes that occur during the engineering phase of a
>Considering the number of dollars involved in U.S. Government funded
>construction, it seems that GSA or OMB might be interested in developing
>such a system. 

As   part of a government  directive  to assist the U.S.  construction
industry to be  more   competative in the  world  marketplace,  Lehigh
University was awarded a  NSF block grant  of  $10 million to  develop
technical   innovations  for  the industry.    Lehigh University's NSF
sponsored Advanced  Technology  for Large  Structural  Systems (ATLSS)
Engineering  Research Center has several projects,  some  of which are
looking     into developing  intelligent   interfaces between  various
phases/processes of  the multi-million  dollar fragmented construction

>There is a common expertise between participants which
>allows them to make decisions quickly by sifting through a lot of
>information while retrieving only that which pertains to the problem
>at hand.

True.  It is this fact that allows us  to start developing intelligent
interfaces   between  these groups.   Only  the  necessary information
required to make a decision is asked.  The  rest is shared amongst the
players involved in the construction process.  The key is to determine
and classify the    common  information and  the  specific information
required to assist in making construction decisions.

The project that I am involved in is the Designer/Fabricator Interface
(DFI) which will  assist design  engineers in understanding downstream
fabrication and erection problems associated  by their upstream design
decisions.  The initial limited domain of DFI  deals with design fitup
of beam to column connections in buildings.  The DFI  system critiques
the designer's initial connection details and reports gross and subtle
fitup  errors  before he  sends out  his  design document  for  bid to
fabricators.  This requires  the system to utilize general fabrication
and erection knowledge in one mode of operation and specific knowledge
if a particular fabricator has won the bid and is working closely with
the designer.

The system will  later be expanded to  include  fitup of beam to  beam
connections  as  well as  provide  a functional  critique  (real Civil
Engineering strength issues).

Also, an architect/designer interface is under development  as well as
completion of several specific KB systems (including simple connection
design and bridge fatigue investigator (BFI) that determins what to do
in repairing cracks in bridges).

For more information contact:

	General ATLSS Information	KBS Systems Information

	Dr. John Fisher			Dr. John Wilson
	Director, ATLSS Center		KBS Thrust Leader
	Room A206			Room 220
	Building H			Fritz Engineering Lab, #13
	Lehigh University		Lehigh University
	Bethlehem, PA 18015		Bethlehem, PA 18015
	(215)758-3535			(215)758-4828

	jwf2@lehigh.BITNET		jlw2@lehigh.BITNET

jwf2%lehigh.bitnet@ibm1.cc.lehigh.edu	jlw2%lehigh.bitnet@ibm1.cc.lehigh.edu