[comp.ai.digest] Robotic Language

36617803@WSUVM1.BITNET ("Bryce H. Doster") (11/29/88)

I am working on a project concerning the Design of a Language
for use in Robotics, written in C. That is, the Compilier Source
code will be written in C.

I am aware of Marc D. Donner's OWL language.

Any contribution that may aid in this endevor will be greatly

Bryce H. Doster

jbn@GLACIER.STANFORD.EDU (John B. Nagle) (12/06/88)

      There are a number of commercial robotic languages, such as VAL 
(Unimate) and AML (IBM).  They are all terrible.  They tend to be 
interpreters for BASIC-like programming languages with extra statements and
data types thrown in to cope with geometry and machine control.

					John Nagle