lfa@STC10.CTD.ORNL.GOV ("LFA") (01/14/89)
P L E A S E P O S T P R E L I M I N A R Y A N N O U N C E M E N T ================================================== The Energy Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the United States Census Bureau have pledged some support for a small conference or workshop on ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. Thus the following applications seem most suitable: Economics Planning Sociology Geography and urban studies Transportation studies Policy analysis Government Topic areas include, but are not limited to Supercomputing Parallel processing Satellite tracking & imagery Expert systems Natural language processing Databases and information retrieval Computer networks Advanced microcomputer applications The conference is tentatively scheduled for Williamsburg, Va. in mid to late 1989. No fee schedule has been proposed; however, any conference fees will be held to a reasonable level to permit the broadest possible participation. Contributed papers will be accepted at a later date after submission details have been finalized. If you have an idea for additional topic areas, wish to receive additional conference information as it becomes available or are interested in submitting a paper, please contact Lloyd F. ARROWOOD Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6207 (615)-574-8700 LFA @ ORNLSTC.BITNET or LFA @ STC10.CTD.ORNL.GOV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRELIMINARY ATTENDANCE FORM Name: ____________________________________________ Institution: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Email address: _________________________________________ ----- I am interested in attending the conference ----- I am interested in submitting a paper for presentation at the conference. Title of paper: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Topic area: ______________________________________________