peleg%humus.Huji.AC.IL@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (Shmuel Peleg) (01/22/89)
Please include in your newsletters. Thanks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call For Papers Sixth Israeli Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Tel-Aviv, December 26-27 1989 The conference is the joint annual meeting of the Israeli Association for Artificial Intelligence, and the Israeli Association for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, which are affiliates of the Israeli Information Processing Association. Papers addressing all aspects of AI and Computer Vision, including, but not limited to, the following topics, are solicited: - AI and education - AI languages, logic programming - Automated reasoning - Cognitive modeling - Expert systems - Inductive inference, learning and knowledge acquisition - Knowledge theory, logics of knowledge - Natural language processing - Planning and search - Image Processing and Pattern Recognition - Image Analysis and Computer Vision - Visual Perception - Applications - Robotics Submitted papers will be refereed by the program committee, listed below. Authors should submit 4 copies of a full paper or an extended abstract. The accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. Submitted papers should be received at the following address by June 1st, 1989. Authors will be notified of accepted papers by August 1st 1989. Vision: Dr. Y. Yeshurun AI: Dr. J. Rosenschein 6th IAICV 6th IAICV Dept of Computer Science Dept of Computer Science Tel Aviv University The Hebrew University 69978 Tel Aviv 91904 Jerusalem Israel Israel Program Committee co-chairmen: Jeff Rosenschein, Hebrew University (jeff@humus.bitnet) Yehezkel Yeshurun, Tel-Aviv University (hezy@taurus.bitnet) Moshe Ben-Bassat, Tel-Aviv University (B25@taunivm.bitnet) Rina Dechter, Technion Ehud Gudes, Ben-Gurion University (ehud@bengus.bitnet) Tamar Flash, Weizmann Institute of Science (tamar@wisdom.bitnet) Daniel Lehmann, Hebrew University (lehmann@humus.bitnet) Marc Luria, Technion Yoram Moses, Weizmann Institute of Science Uzzi Ornan, Technion Ehud Shapiro, Weizmann Institute of Science (udi@wisdom.bitnet) Freddy Bruckstein, Technion (freddy@techsel.bitnet) Zvi Meiri, IBM Scientific Center (meiri@israearn) Amnon Meizles, Ben Gurion University (am@bengus) Shmuel Peleg, The Hebrew University (peleg@humus.bitnet) Shimon Ullman, Weizmann Institute of Science (shimon@wisdom.bitnet) Michael Werman, The Hebrew University (werman@humus.bitnet) Haim Wolfson, Tel-Aviv University (wolfson@taurus.bitnet) ---------------------------------------------------------------------