[comp.ai.digest] IEEE Application Conference

sriram@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (07/02/89)


                         THE SIXTH IEEE CONFERENCE ON


                        FESS PARKER'S RED LION RESORT
                          SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA

                               MARCH 5-9, 1990


The conference is devoted to the application of artificial intelligence
techniques to real-world problems.  Two  kinds  of  papers  are appropriate:
Case studies of knowledge-based applications that solve significant problems
and stimulate the development of useful techniques.  Papers on AI techniques
and principles that underlie knowledge-based systems, and in turn, enable
ever more ambitious real-world applications.  This conference provides a
forum for such synergy between applications and AI techniques.

Papers describing significant unpublished results are solicited along
three tracks:

- -  "Engineering/Manufacturing" Track.  Contributions stemming from
   the general area of industrial and scientific applications.

- -  "Business/Decision Support" Track.  Contributions stemming from
   the general area of business, law and various decision support

   Papers in these two application tracks must:  (1) Justfy the use
   of the AI technique, based on the problem definition and an
   analysis of the application's requirements; (2) Explain how AI
   technology was used to solve a significant problem; (3) Describe
   the status of the implementation; (4) Evaluate both the
   effectiveness of the implementation and the technique used.

- -  "Enabling Technology" Track.  Contributions focusing on techniques
   and principles that facilitate the development of practical knowledge
   based systems, and can be scaled to handle increasing problem complexity.
   Topics include, but not limited to:  knowledge
   acquisition, representation, reasoning, searching, learning, software
   life cycle issues, consistency maintenance, verification/validation,
   project management, the user interface, integration, problem-
   solving architectures, and general tools.

Papers should be limited to 5000 words.  The first page of the paper
should contain the following information (where applicable) in the order

- -  Title.
- -  Authors' names and affiliation. (specify student)
- -  Abstract:  A 200 word abstract that includes a clear statement on
   what the original contribution is and what new lesson is imparted
   by the paper.
- -  AI topic:  Knowledge acquisition, explanation, diagnosis, etc.
- -  Domain area:  Mechanical design, factory scheduling, education,
   medicine, etc.  Do NOT specify the track.
- -  Language/Tool:  Underlying language and knowledge engineering tools.
- -  Status:  development and deployment status as appropriate.
- -  Effort:  Person-years of effort put into developing the particular
   aspect of the project being described.
- -  Impact:  A 20 word description of estimated or measured (specify)
   benefit of the application developed.

Each paper accepted for publication will be allotted seven pages in the
conference proceedings.  Best papers accepted in the Enabling Technology
track will be considered for a special issue of IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering (TDKE) to appear in late 1990. Best
papers accepted in the application tracks will be considered for a
special issue of IEEE EXPERT, also to appear in late 1990. In addition,
there will be a best student paper award of $1,500, sponsored by IBM
for this conference.

In addition to papers, we will be accepting the following types of

  - Proposals for Panel discussions.   Topic  and  desired  participants.
    Indicate  the  membership of the panel and whether you are interested
    in organizing/moderating the discussion.   A  panel  proposal  should
    include a 1000-word summary of the proposed subject.

  - Proposals for Demonstrations.  Videotape and/or description of a live
    presentation (not to exceed 1000 words).  The demonstration should be
    of  a  particular  system  or  technique  that shows the reduction to
    practice of one of the conference topics.  The demonstration or video
    tape should be not longer than 15 minutes.

  - Proposals   for   Tutorial  Presentations.    Proposals  of  both  an
    introductory and advanced nature are requested.  Topics should relate
    to  the  management  and  technical  development of usable and useful
    artificial intelligence applications.  Particularly of  interest  are
    tutorials  analyzing  classes of applications in depth and techniques
    appropriate for a particular class of  applications.    However,  all
    topics  will  be  considered.    Tutorials  are  three  hours in
    duration; copies of slides are to be provided in advance to IEEE  for

    Each tutorial proposal should include the following:

       * Detailed  topic  list  and extended abstract (about 3 pages)
       * Tutorial level:  introductory, intermediate, or advanced
       * Prerequisite reading for intermediate and advanced tutorials
       * Short  professional vita including presenter's experience in
         lectures and tutorials.

  - Proposals for Vendor Presentations: A separate session will be held
    where vendors will have the opportunity to give an overview to
    their AI-based software products and services.

- -  September 29, 1989: Six copies of Papers, and four copies of all
   the proposals are due.  Submissions not received by that date will
   be returned unopened. Electronically transmitted materials will not
   be accepted.
- -  October 30, 1989: Author notifications mailed.
- -  December 12, 1989: Accepted papers due to IEEE.  Accepted tutorial
   notes due to Tutorial Chair, Donald Kosy
- -  March 5-6, 1990: Tutorials
- -  March 7-9, 1990: Conference

Submit Papers and Other Materials to:

Se June Hong  (Room 31-206)
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY  10598

Phone: (914)-945-2265
FAX: (914)-945-2141
TELEX: 910-240-0632

Submit Tutorial Proposals to:

    Donald Kosy
    Robotics Institute
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

    Phone: 412-268-8814
    ARPANET: kosy@cs.cmu.edu

                            CONFERENCE COMMITTEES

General Chair
            Mark S. Fox, Carnegie-Mellon University

Publicity Chair
            Jeff Pepper, Carnegie Group Inc

Tutorial Chair
    Donald Kosy, Carnegie Mellon University

Program Committee
     Chair  Se June Hong, IBM Research
At-large    Jan Aikins, AION Corp.
            John Gero, University of Sidney
            Robert E. Filman, IntelliCorp
            Gary Kahn, Carnegie Group
            John Mc Dermott, DEC
Engineering/Manufacturing Track
     Chair  Chris Tong, Rutgers University (Visiting IBM)
            Sanjaya Addanki, IBM Research
            Alice Agogino, UC Berkeley
            Miro Benda, Boeing Computer Services
            Sanjay Mittal, Xerox PARC
            Duvurru Sriram, MIT
Business/Decision Support Track
     Chair  Peter Hart,  Syntelligence
            Chidanand Apte,  IBM Research
            Vasant Dhar,  New York University
            Richard Fikes,  Price-Waterhouse
            Timothy Finin,  Unisys Research
            Daniel O'Leary, University of Southern California
Enabling Technology Track
     Chair  Howard Shrobe,  Symbolics
            Lee Erman, CIMFLEX-Teknowledge
            Brian Gaines, University of Calgary
            Eric Mays,  IBM Research
            Kathy McKeown,  Columbia University
            Katia Sycara, Carnegie-Mellon University

Additional Information

For registration and additional conference information,

    The Computer Society of the IEEE
    1730 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20036-1903

    Phone: 202-371-0101

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