[comp.ai.digest] 2nd ITESM Conference on AI - Monterey, Mexico

ISAI@TECMTYVM (07/02/89)

OCTOBER 23 TO 27, 1989

The Centro de Investigacion en Informatica (Informatic Research Center)
of the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey(ITESM)
is organizing the Second International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
to be held in Monterrey, Mexico on October 23-27, 1989. The Symposium is
sponsored by the ITESM in cooperation with the AAAI, IBM, Apple and SMIA.

Our goals are to present recent advances in the Artificial Intelligence
technology and to promote the use of Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) in
solving problems in industry and business, as well as to show current
Artificial Intelligence applications from all the world.

The Symposium consists  of a Tutorial and a Conference.

October 23 and 24.
The tutorial program includes general topics as well as advanced ones.
Topics covered in the Tutorials include .-
     ** Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
     ** Introduction to Expert Systems.
     ** Evaluating and Selecting Knowledge Engineering Tools.
     ** Knowledge Representation.
     ** Logic Programming
     INSTRUCTORS ===>>>  Randy Goebel (University of Alberta),
                         Masaru Tomita (Carnegie Mellon University),
                         Richard Mayer (Texas A&M University).

October 25,26 and 27.
The program will consist of  high quality invited papers (guest speakers)
and selected papers from the --Call for Papers-- invitation. We asked for
papers covering a wide range of topics including =>
     ** Knowledge Acquisition.
     ** Evaluating Knowledge Engineering Tools.
     ** Machine Learning.
     ** Knowledge Representation.
     ** Verification and Validation of Expert Systems.
     ** Constraint Directed Reasoning.
     ** Uncertainty Management.
     ** Neural Networks.
     ** Natural Language.
     ** Truth Maintenance Systems.
     ** Managing Expert Systems Projects.
     ** Future trends and impact of KBS technology.
     ** Impact of KBS in organizations.
     ** Applications in Manufacturing, Finance, Business and Medicine.

The selection of papers and the format of the meeting will be determined
by the Program Committee:
    Wolfgang Bidel       => Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
    Robert Cartwright    => Rice University
    Francisco Cervantes  => UNAM
    Eduardo Diaz         => ITESM
    Gerhard Fischer      => University of Colorado
    Patricia  Friel      => Texas A&M University
    Randy Goebel         => University of Alberta
    Adolfo Guzman        => International  Software Systems
    Jose Ignacio Icaza   => ITESM
    Christian Lemaitre   => UNAM
    Richard Mayer        => Texas A&M University
    Daniel Meade         => ITESM
    Mariaurora Mota      => ITESM
    Robert Port          => Indiana University
    Elaine Rich          => MCC
    Antonio Sanchez      => Universidad de las Americas
    Carlos Scheel        => ITESM
    Masaru Tomita        => Carnegie Mellon University

During the three-day Conference, an exposition of computer hardware and
software will take place. We invite software and hardware businesses to
participate in this exposition.
In order to encourage an atmosphere of friendship and exchange among
participants,  some social events are being organized.

             Students       $100.00 USD.
             Professionals  $200.00 USD.

             Students       $ 75.00 USD.
             Professionals  $150.00 USD.
Simultaneous Translation    $  7.00 USD.

Hotel Accomodations.....
  Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza  $ 85.00 USD.
             Ambasador      $ 73.50 USD.
             Ancira         $ 65.00 USD.
             Monterrey      $ 34.50 USD.
             Del Rio        $ 30.00 USD.
         Student housing    $ 11.00 USD.

Advance registration in encouraged since the attendance is limited.
Fees are valid before July 30.
Please include a 15 % tax to the Tutorial, Conference and Hotel
Accomodations fees.
** Prices are per person, per night in a single or double room.
Hotel reservations are made by sending one night deposit no later than
forty days prior to arrival date.

Tutorial fee also includes =>
             * Notes case.
             * Tutorial material.
             * Welcoming cocktail party.

Conference fee alse includes =>
             * Notes case.
             * Proceedings.
             * Exhibition.
             * Welcoming cocktail party (Oct. 25)
             * Lunch (Oct. 26)
             * Formal dinner (Oct. 27)

Send personal check payable to I.T.E.S.M. to:
              " Centro de Investigacion en Informatica
             Attention=> Mrs. Leticia Rodriguez,
             Sucursal de Correos "J", C.P. 64849,
             Monterrey, N.L. Mexico

             Centro de Investigacion en Informatica, I.T.E.S.M.
             Sucursal de Correos "J", C.P. 64849
             Monterrey, N.L.
             Tel. (52-83) 58-20-00 ext 5132
             Telefax (52-83) 58-89-31
             Net address:ISAI at TECMTYVM.BITNET

The Symposium Tutorial and Conferences will be given in English.

There will be transportation ready to take all the participants from their
hotel to the I.T.E.S.M. (where the Symposium will be held) and bring them
back to the hotel.

We can make you any reservation you want, just notify us.