[net.news.group] nuking net.general is a waste of ammo

bennison@turtle.DEC (06/20/84)

The arguments for closing net.general are rather absurd.  It's like
saying that we should close the town dump because there isn't anything
but garbage there.  I unsubscribed to net.general for the same reasons
a lot of you have.  But there seem to be a lot of people who have this
primal urge to create this garbage and as long as they exist I'm for
giving them a place to dump it.  Instead of pouting and saying that
"well, they aren't using it for what it was intended, so let's nuke
it", why not just change the purpose of the group and let it drivel
on?  I can't believe that by eliminating the group you are going to
reduce traffic on the net.  A more likely result is that you'll garbage
up other groups that are currently running properly.

I don't subscribe to net.news either, so if you want to flame me, do
it direct to:
    				Vick Bennison
    				(603) 881-2156