[comp.text.desktop] Followups on "Need a new moderator for...."

chuq%plaid@Sun.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) (12/20/88)

Sigh. I should know better. 

This is a followup on my recent announcement for new moderators for the
hypercard and DTP groups (I'm still looking, by the way). Rumors seem to be
flying with great velocity all over the face of absurdity, so before things
get too out of hand, let me try to throw some reality on things.

First, it is not true that Sun is leaving the net. What I'm doing is a
personal decision and has nothing to do with my employer. (As a matter of
fact, the moderating I did had nothing to do with my employer, either, but
that's beside the point).

Second, it is not true that Sun is kicking me off the net. This rumor has
ranged from 'using too much resource' to 'spending all my time on the net'
to "not being an appropriate representative for Sun" to things I'd rather
not even admit for their silliness. Let me say explicitly that Sun had
nothing at all to do with my decision to drop out -- and the fact is, the
people I've talked to here were just as surprised as the rest of the net.

I might point out to the naysayers that rec.mag.otherrealms is business as
usual for the forseeable future -- which would not be true if either point
above had any shred of truth. I'm giving up *most* of my committments on
USENET -- not, by any means, all of them.

The truth of the matter is this: I decided the time had come to make
some changes in where my time is being spent. I have a number of other
commitments outside of USENET -- An upcoming stint as NAR editor for
SFWA, a writer's workshop I run on CompuServe, a book project that's in
its development phase, my own writing, a couple of Macintosh products
I'm beta testing, and the continuing growth and maturing of OtherRealms --
these take time, and I find I'm simply doing too many different things to
feel that I'm doing them well. 

The USENET stuff, along with some other projects I'm dropping, were simply
at the bottom of the pile. Neither desktop or hypercard *needs* me by any
means -- they can survive quite well being moderated by someone else, or
even as open, unmoderated groups. USENET certainly doesn't need me -- any
importance I had for the net went away years ago, much to my relief. USENET,
frankly, isn't any fun any more -- it's too large, too noisy, and too
mean-spirited for my tastes, and I spend very little time with it beyond my
committments. Which implies that it's time to pass those committments on to
people who aren't quite so bothered by the negative aspects of the network,
and move on with my life. 

That's what I'm doing and that's why I've resigned. I no longer have any
real interest or wish to put significant time into USENET, and the groups
I've maintained would be better off having someone with a little more
motivation watching over them. I'll keep up r.m.or as I always have, as long
as it makes sense to do so.

For folks looking for conspiracy theories or smoking guns -- sorry to
disappoint you, but, the whole story is that I have, literally, better
things to do with my time than USENET.

Chuq Von Rospach	Editor/Publisher, OtherRealms		chuq@sun.COM

When you're up to your *ss in alligators, it's hard to remember your initial
objective was to drain the swamp.