[comp.text.desktop] Ventura Publisher question?

nacer@mist.cs.orst.edu (Abdenacer Moussaoui C.) (03/30/89)

SOME BACKGROUND: I started writing my paper within a single chapter.
Because I started experiencing very frequent and unpleaseant hanging
of vp, I decided to break into chapters like the following

cover.chp : 
	contains cover page and acknowledgement

toc.chp : 
	contains table of content so I can number pages i,ii,...etc

intro.chp 5, design.chp 3, imple.chp 5 : 
	are the main chapters of the paper and each has more than one level 1
section as indicated by the number next to the chapter.  The third
chapter contains the generated index file. 

srcdoc.chp : is appendix A
src.chp : is appendix B

1) [SECTION NUMBERING] All of these chapters share the same style
sheat mspaper.sty.  My automatic number dialog/template is set as:


which causes vp to start numbering sections tagged with seclevel1
style starting at 1 for every of the three main chapters.  Even if I
use some thing like [<seclevel1,1,8] after loading chapter imple.chp
the other chapters (at print time) will start also at 8.  It seems to
me that vp stores this option part of the style sheet and all chapters
inherit this unpleasant effect.  Should I break every section into a
chapter (even if it's a single page) and paste the chapter numbering
part of the automatic numbering template above?  or should I create
style sheets for each document so it would have its first level
numbering value always set? Any suggestions?

2) [PAGE NUMBERING] Currently I am loading every chapter into vp and
tell it to start page numbering where the last chapter ended +
sometimes some gap for possible growth.  Is there any way to get vp to
achieve this automatically? 

3) [TEXT ATTRIBUTE] What is the use of text attribute in the
auto-numbering dialog? in the generate intex dialog? 

4) [TOC NUMBERING] How can you instruct vp to include section
numbering in the table-of-content it generates? 

Please email directly, Thank you.

-- nacer@mist.cs.orst.edu		Oregon State Univeristy