In SGML inclusions are defined: this allows logical elements to appear anywhere in the tree-structure starting from some specific node. Also, references to logical elements are defined. Is something like these concepts also defined in ODA? For example, in SGML you can specify the following logical structure: <!element chap (title, par*) +(figure) > <!element par (#PCDATA|figref)* > <!element figref EMPTY > <!attlist figref ref IDREF #IMPLIED > <!element figure ... > <!attlist figure id ID #IMPLIED > The first line defines an inclusion ('+(figure)'): it means that anywhere in the subtree starting at element 'chap' (chapter) the element 'figure' may appear. A paragraph is defined as zero or more instances of data or figref. Element 'figref' (reference to a figure) has no content (is EMPTY) and has an attribute that has a reference as its value (the precise value is IMPLIED by the application). Element 'figure' also has an attribute, which has some unique value (an IDentifier, also IMPLIED by the application). 'figref' can be used as a reference to a specific figure, by using the value of attribute 'id' of that figure as the value of attribute 'idref'. Does ODA have equivalent concepts? If so, where is it described, how does one use it in a layout specification? If not, how does one specify the above example in ODA? Please mail any answers. Frans Heeman Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science Free University Amsterdam de Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands. email: