v105mahs@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter P Donohue) (10/03/90)
I get an error when running Ventura Publisher Professional Extension. Ventura Professional still works, but I feel I am not getting the fullest possible out of my machine. Any ideas on how to deal with this problem would be appreciated. When I run the batch file, VPPROF.BAT, it gives me an error of 'Error - Expanded Memory not Found'. I placed pause commands at various places in the batch file and was able to trace the error to the line 'DLOAD ENGLISH'. I am running the program from DOS (not from Windows) on a 20mhz 386 with 4 meg of memory on the motherboard. I have HIMEM.SYS installed (the driver is from Windows 3) which Ventura is supposed to be able to use to gain access to another 64k of standard memory. My VPPROF.BAT file has not been modified- it is the same as when created by Ventura. Listed below is some info that may be of help in trying to trouble shoot this problem. At the Publisher's Info Screen in both VP and VP Prof., it gives me this info concerning EMS: Standard, EMS - (SYS=0kb, APP=0kb) At the Ventura Diagnostic screen, I'm given the following info (shown for both Professional Extension and VP2.0): VP Diagnostics VP Prof. Ext. VP Internal Memory in use: 2895/25000 3046/25000 External Memory in use: 35368/119064 46008/121944 EMS in use: 0/0 0/0 Text Memory in use: 0/4096 0/4096 Paragraphs in use: 4/1024 4/1024 Line Elements in Use: 0/725 0/725 External Memory Swapped Out: 0 0 Text Memory Swapped Out: 0 0 Width Table Size: 9786 9786 Graphic Buffer Size: 48000 48000 Screen Font Size: 68000 68000 Hyphenation Size: 10244 10244 Perm. Strings Size: 10057 10057 Farcode Overlay Size: HIMEM.SYS HIMEM.SYS Any ideas would be appreciated. Pete ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter P. Donohue - University at Buffalo, Graduate School of Management bitnet: V105MAHS@UBVMS . "Education is a journy internet: V105MAHS@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU . not a destination..."