[comp.text.desktop] Sigma monitor performance

sweynh@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Sweyn Hunter) (10/15/90)

We currently use a Tandon 286 pca running at 6 or 8 MHz with a
monochrome Sigma L-View VY1000 display controller and monitor (this is
the model that predates the L-View PC monitor currently available) to
run Ventura 2.0.  We would like to upgrade the system so that the screen
is redrawn more quickly than the current 7-8 seconds at 6 MHz (6-7
seconds when running at 8 MHz) for the Ventura test chapter

If anyone is using this monitor with Ventura and a faster processor, I'd
be very interested to hear how fast the screen is redrawn using your

Can anyone out there suggest whether acquiring a 386SX or DX machine
while retaining the same monitor and controller (which requires an AT
bus) would lead to an improvement in performance? Or is the bottleneck
likely to be in the controller or bus speed? There is no mention of this
in the Sigma manual, but it would be embarrassing to buy a 25 Mhz
machine and find little improvement!

Please respond by email, and I will summarise to the net if there is
sufficient response.

Sweyn Hunter            |JANET:   sweynh@uk.ac.sussex.syma
AdminDP,Univ. of Sussex |BITNET:  sweynh@syma.sussex.ac.uk
Brighton, UK, BN1 9RH   |INTERNET:sweynh%syma.sussex.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Tel:+44 273 606755x3773 |UUCP:    sweynh@syma.uucp