bcacciol@encore.com (Blaise M Cacciola) (02/26/91)
I wonder if you can help me, netters... Has anyone out there used the WYSIWYG word processing package Ami Professional (which operates under MS Windows)? Can you please compare this package to other popular products like MS Word and Wordperfect? (and if you can compare it to other tools like PageMaker, Ventura Publisher, FrameMaker [a UNIX product], I'd be grateful. So far, I've read Lotus/Samna's ad copy and a review or two in PC Magazine/PC World...but I'm wondering about real-world use. Please post or email. Sorry if this thread has already been extensively discussed. Blaise Cacciola bcacciola@encore.com bcacciola@gould.UUCP {allegra,ucf-cs}!uflorida!gould!bcacciola {uunet,sun,pur-ee}!gould!bcacciola