[comp.text.desktop] Scanner for Mac/Sun Enviroment?

peregrin@hulaw1.harvard.edu (03/09/91)

Hi, I'm new to this group, and here is my first question :

	Does anyone recommend a scanner (flatbed, overhead) that one would use
in a mixed Macintosh - Sun enviroment.  Our main dtp is done with FrameMaker on
a SPARCstation, along with some MS Word and MacWrite.
	I'd rather not have to get 2 scanners (one hooked to a Sun, another
hooked to a Mac), but would rather have one and connect it to a Mac or Sun,
probably dependent on which could offer me the best format conversion software.

+ James Peregrino                        |     JPEREGRINO@HBSSTG.HARVARD.EDU +
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