[comp.text.desktop] WORD footnote question: "automatically numbered footnote"

lim@aries.scs.uiuc.edu (Dongchul Lim) (04/11/91)

In Microsoft Word 4.0 for Macintosh, you can use "footnote" command to insert
a footnote reference mark. Unless you use your own reference marks, Word 
automatically numbers footnotes in sequence. If you add or delete an automatically
numbered footnote, Word adjusts all the reference numbers that follow.
This is a nice feature. *** However *** in many scientific documents, the same
reference numbers can appear many times throughout the text.
For example, (numerics are assumed to be reference number)

	Protein1 and nucleic acid2 sequence are being published at an increasing
rate, while at the same time, structural information from X-ray diffraction3 and
NMR techniques4 is obtained much more slowly. The result is that there is a whole 
range of proteins1 for which sequences are known, but molecular structures3 are not.

1. "Principles of proteins" ...
2. Whoever, J. Mol. Biol. 1991, ...
3. Blabla..
4. "NMR spectroscopy of proteins"...
In the above example, reference numbers 1 and 3 appear twice.
I want to maintain the features of automatic numbering and at the same time
I want to use reference numbers more than once.
Any answers will be greatly appreciated.


* Dongchul Lim                | Phone:    (217) 333-3509         *
* 471 RAL, Dept. of Chemistry | Internet: lim@aries.scs.uiuc.edu *
* Univ. of Illinois           |           lim@k.scs.uiuc.edu     *
* Urbana, IL 61801            | Bitnet:   lim@uiucscs            *