[comp.mail.elm] backquote check in mkhdrs.c

neutron@hpfcls.HP.COM (Jack Applin) (09/09/87)

In mkhdrs.c, there is code to recognize backquoting in .elmheaders.

from mkhdrs.c (in add_mailheaders):

>	    else if (occurances_of(BACKQUOTE, buffer) == 2) 
>	      expand_backquote(buffer, filedesc);

I had a line in .elmheaders like:
Number: `cd; n=0\`cat -s .num\`; n=\`expr $n + 1\`; echo $n >.num; echo $n`
which wasn't recognized because it had more than two backquotes.
It would be better to check for >=2 instead of for exactly two backquotes.

							-Jack Applin