[comp.mail.elm] I'm looking for the current bug-fixes & patches for 2.1

pst@canary.cdi.com (Paul Traina) (11/19/88)

I downloaded elm 2.1 today, but have noticed a curses problem.  Rather than
reinvent the wheel, could someone tell me where I can find the patches for
elm 2.1 to get it up to the current bug-fix level?

(p.s. the problem I have is on a 4.2bsd (Sun) system, the system is displaying
      each line of the message followed by a lf, instead of crlf.)

Paul Traina				To believe that what is true for
{uunet|pyramid}!comdesign!pst		you in your private heart is true
pst@cdi.com				for all men, that is genius.