[comp.mail.elm] Using the new AppleTalk interface from Lightspeed C 3.01

duggie@Jessica.stanford.edu (Doug Felt) (01/31/89)

The elm 2.1 PL1 builtin lister displays garbage on my screen when I page
through certain mail.  This only happens when I read mail from the
info-ibmpc mailing list, and only when I press the spacebar, not when
I press <return>.  I am connected to a Sun 3/260 running SunOS4.0 via
a PS/2 Model 60 running NCSA_Telnet 2.2.  It looks like the characters
have the eight bit set, since they are selected from that part of the
ibmpc's character set.  -David-

Bitnet:   david@wubios.wustl                ^      Mr. David J. Camp
Internet: david%wubios@wucs1.wustl.edu    < * >    Box 8067, Biostatistics
uucp:     uunet!wucs1!wubios!david          v      660 South Euclid