[comp.mail.elm] A signature problem

henigan@quando.UUCP (Kevin Henigan) (07/13/89)

I am running ELM2.2 PL10, when I have set the variable 'localsignature'
in my .elm/elmrc file to a sig file. I get this signature to change
when vi is invoked for the body of the message. ( I can change it, this
is great ).

The problem is that when I exit vi, ELM adds the 'localsignature' file again
to the message before it is sent, giving me two sigs!!!

Is there something else I should do aswell as setting the 'localsignature'
variable  in the elmrc?

Many Thanks for any help/comments

 Kevin Henigan. Bitnet:   UNIDO!quando!henigan OR henigan%quando@UNIDO(.bitnet)
  Quantum GmbH  UUCP:     {backbone}!unido!quando!henigan OR henigan@quando.uucp
    Dortmund    internet: henigan%quando%mcvax.UUCP@cwi.nl
    Germany     internet: henigan%quando%UNIDO.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu

syd@DSI.COM (Syd Weinstein) (07/14/89)

henigan@quando.UUCP (Kevin Henigan) writes:
:The problem is that when I exit vi, ELM adds the 'localsignature' file again
:to the message before it is sent, giving me two sigs!!!

:Is there something else I should do aswell as setting the 'localsignature'
:variable  in the elmrc?
It sounds more like your MTA is adding the signature file also.
Elm only adds it once.  I would check the configuration of your
MTA. (Mail Transport Agent).
Sydney S. Weinstein, CDP, CCP                   Elm Coordinator
Datacomp Systems, Inc.				Voice: (215) 947-9900
syd@DSI.COM or {bpa,vu-vlsi}!dsinc!syd	        FAX:   (215) 938-0235

henigan@quando.UUCP (Kevin Henigan) (07/16/89)

In article <1989Jul14.004303.3998@DSI.COM> syd@DSI.COM writes:
>henigan@quando.UUCP (Kevin Henigan) writes:
>:The problem is that when I exit vi, ELM adds the 'localsignature' file again
>:to the message before it is sent, giving me two sigs!!!
>:Is there something else I should do aswell as setting the 'localsignature'
>:variable  in the elmrc?
>It sounds more like your MTA is adding the signature file also.
>Elm only adds it once.  I would check the configuration of your
>MTA. (Mail Transport Agent).
>Sydney S. Weinstein, CDP, CCP                   Elm Coordinator
>Datacomp Systems, Inc.				Voice: (215) 947-9900
>syd@DSI.COM or {bpa,vu-vlsi}!dsinc!syd	        FAX:   (215) 938-0235

Ok, I tried the following :-

note ONLY localsignature is defined, remotesignature is blank.

sent mail locally, vi showed my signature in the mail, I added a line
of text, sent it, the mail received had two sigs on the bottom :-

msg line

I removed the localsignature definition, therefore both localsignature
and remotesignature are blank.

sent mail locally, vi showed no signature in the mail, I added a line
of text, sent it, the mail received had NO signature on the bottom.

This means to me that it is generated twice from the localsignature 
varaible in elm.

Anybody got any ideas? ( running ELM2.2 PL10. )

 Kevin Henigan. Bitnet:   UNIDO!quando!henigan OR henigan%quando@UNIDO(.bitnet)
  Quantum GmbH  UUCP:     {backbone}!unido!quando!henigan OR henigan@quando.uucp
    Dortmund    internet: henigan%quando%mcvax.UUCP@cwi.nl
    Germany     internet: henigan%quando%UNIDO.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu

jonathan@cs.keele.ac.uk (Jonathan Knight) (07/18/89)

From article <789@quando.UUCP>, by henigan@quando.UUCP (Kevin Henigan):
> This means to me that it is generated twice from the localsignature 
> varaible in elm.
> Anybody got any ideas? ( running ELM2.2 PL10. )

I'm running PL10 and I don't notice the problem.  the only thing that
crossed my mind was the change at about PL8 which caused elm to add
the signature after the mail had been entered.  I know that PL8 reached
here in a mushed up state and I had to get a correction to before I
could get it to work.  Elm was patched again to make the signature
appear in the edit buffer one patch later.  Perhaps you got a corrupted
PL8 and you know have a version of elm which includes the signature in
the edit buffer and also adds it after the message has been entered.
I would try getting a new version of elm.  Or perhaps reversing back
to PL7 and then getting a new patch from dsinc.com and trying again.

  ______    JANET :jonathan@uk.ac.keele.cs     Jonathan Knight,
    /       BITNET:jonathan%cs.kl.ac.uk@ukacrl Department of Computer Science
   / _   __ other :jonathan@cs.keele.ac.uk     University of Keele, Keele,
(_/ (_) / / UUCP  :...!ukc!kl-cs!jonathan      Staffordshire.  ST5 5BG.  U.K.