ajk@mace.cc.purdue.edu (Jeff Boerio) (09/30/89)
I am using filter, and have been for quite some time, and have finally become annoyed enough with this little problem to fix it. My .forward shows filter being run like this: "| /usr/unsup/elm/filter -o /userd/ajk/.filter-errors" And here is a sample from my .filter-rules file: from contains "aqm" ? save /userd/ajk/mail/steve from contains "nicely" ? save /userd/ajk/mail/tami from contains "asd" ? save /userd/ajk/mail/kareth It seems that filter is stripping the "New" flag from the Status field and then putting it in the specified mailbox. This means that I have to *know* if a new piece of mail has come in or not. It would seem to me that filter would keep the Status field to new until the message has actually been read. My question is: Have I done something stupid (which is entirely possible), or does filter need to be fixed? - Jeff -- Jeff Boerio : Purdue University Dept. of Computer Science ajk@mace.cc.purdue.edu : Purdue University Computing Center Volunteer boerio@summer.ecn.purdue.edu : Purdue University ECN Student Programmer
taylor@limbo.Intuitive.Com (Dave Taylor) (10/02/89)
Jeff Boerio from Purdue asks about "filter" and its prediliction to "strip the 'new' flag from the Status field" before delivering the mail into the specified mailbox. Well, Jeff, I can't see how that's happening; the Status: field (if that's what you're talking about) is something that is added by the Berkeley Mail (aka "mailx" on System V machines) program so it can keep track of the status of messages. That isn't, technically, a header that is generated by a sender, forwarding site, or even delivery program at all... Having said that, I have occasionally received messages that *have* the Status: field already included. Usually, though, that's because someone is "bouncing" (or equivalent: 'cat message | sendmail') a message to me that they read using Berkeley Mail. I can see where you'd get annoying about what's going on, but I assure you that unless I'm completely confused about what you're talking about, that it is most certainly not a problem with the 'filter' program itself. Look into it further (e.g. turn off filter, then look at your new mailbox with something like 'cat' and see if there are "Status:" fields included in your messages) and get back to us? From the virtual reality of, -- Dave Taylor Intuitive Systems Mountain View, California taylor@limbo.intuitive.com or {uunet!}{decwrl,apple}!limbo!taylor