[comp.mail.elm] headers chosen by readmsg

scott@grlab.UUCP (Scott Blachowicz) (11/17/89)

When I print a message from ELM, it only spits out a specific set of
headers. It would be nice if the list of headers it looks for were

Looking at readmsg.c...
   It prints all headers, no headers or just From, Subject, To and
Date headers controlled by command options with the default to do the
last set of headers.

   Can the runstring that readmsg gets for printing a message be
configured? I haven't checked on that.

My problem is that we have a bunch of aliases locally (managed by
sendmail) and the aliases are not expanded in the received mail
message. I'm also using the Deliver program to do some stuff and set
that up to tack on a "X-Received-By:" header to show which user
received a particular copy of the message. The idea behind this was to
be able to tell who printed the mail message to our laser printer by
looking at the message. This all works fine for me (I usually use
Mush), but when people use Elm (as do most people around here), my
nice little X-Received-By header doesn't show up. I'd like to get this
without hacking up Elm source, so I'd like to log an enhancement
request to be able to control the headers printed out with the "print"
command if there aren't any better ideas.

Scott Blachowicz                E-mail:  scott@grlab.UUCP
USPS:  Graphicus                 ..or..  ...!hpubvwa!grlab!scott
       150 Lake Str S, #206     VoicePh: 206/828-4691
       Kirkland, WA 98033       FAX:     206/828-4236