I am currently trying to find a better way to read the enourmous quantity of mail I receive, and ELM has been suggested so I am now looking it over to see how to use it. I am not yet using it. The documentation seems to be skimpy, so maybe I don't have it all for one reason or another. However the documentation on all other mail programs is worse, so in any case, the ELM documentation is the best I have seen, despite the fact that it still leaves me confused. For the following questions, I'd much rather know where in the documentation the answers are found (in case I am missing parts) that a simple answer. However simple answers are OK, too. 1 I cannot figure out how I would go about seeing which folders I have unread mail in. I cannot keep track of these things in my mind, so I do need some sort of assist. Also, I want to be able to go from one folder to another. This is so far not clear to me what is going on. 2 How do I set up From: and Reply-To: headers to have specific content such as my alias address on a central mail forwarder. Is there a way to designate certain addresses I am mailing to with a different header so that instead of my mail having "From:" I can have "From:" for other ham radio operators (I can list who they are in a file, by their address or alias). 3 Is there a way to do the inverse of weedout, so that I can specify the headers I want to see, which is a smaller set than the ones I do not want to see? Hopefully the full set is saved so that if do need to see some obscure header for some reason, there is a way to see it. 4 Are folders stored in compressed form? If not, is there an easy way to arrange for this? I expect the folders to get very large at times, particularly those whose mail I don't have time to read from noisy mailing lists. Thanks. --Phil Howard, KA9WGN-- | Individual CHOICE is fundamental to a free society <> | no matter what the particular issue is all about.