(Doug Walker) (08/12/90)
We are using ELM 2.3 PL5. UUNET is our backbone site, and ELM is configured so we do NOT do our own INTERNET addressing. Also, we have installed the unofficial mod posted by a UK netter so that local mail is not treated as remote mail for the ELM local and remote signature files. Our life has just gotten complicated by the fact that we have established a direct uucp connection with another Unix based machine for electronic mail only. These machines are both in the same building. A piece of mail sent to the other machine directly (for example to address agdept!anyone) will receive a remote elm signature file. This has already resulted in confusion on the other end about the signature which contains "strange" things like INTERNET ADDRESS, UUCP ADDRESS (through uunet), etc. Ideally, I'd like to have ELM recognize a third type of signature file for direct connect machines other than uunet. Has anyone done this sort of thing for their own use that would be willing to share it with us? If not, has anyone modified ELM to ALWAYS use the LOCAL signature file UNLESS the mail is going first to a specified machine (in our case uunet) in which case the REMOTE signature file is used? As an aside, I'd also like to have the elmheaders file ONLY used for mail sent through uunet. I guess it's really a local_headers and remote_headers situation. I'm guessing that there are quite a few ELM users with this same situation. I'm hoping that at least one of you will share with us your creative solutions. Thanks a lot. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doug Walker uunet!fdls!dougw -or- Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, Oregon (503) 378-3790