[comp.mail.elm] Elm messing up permissions on mailbox under HPUX

jack@cscdec.cs.com (Jack Hudler) (10/20/90)

I've written about this before, and it still has me beat.
Elm compiles ok, no errors or warnings, except that I have to 
hack config.h as config.h.SH munges it badly.

It runs fine, execpt when you attempt to leave ELM after deleting some
mail and keeping some, it returns the error:

	 Error EPERM trying to change file /usr/mail/larry access time.

and to top it off it leaves /usr/mail/larry owned by root and the group
of root as follows:

-rw-rw----   1 root     root      694828 Oct 19 21:51 /usr/mail/larry

how should I say it, most annoying.

-rwxr-sr-x   1 bin      mail      289592 Oct 19 21:38 /usr/local/bin/elm

Condensed version of my config.h.

#define BIN "/usr/local/bin"             /**/
#define BYTEORDER 0x4321		/**/
#define CPPSTDIN "/lib/cpp"
#define CPPMINUS ""
#define	CRYPT		/**/
#define	GETOPT		/**/
#define	HAVETERMLIB	/**/
#define	MKDIR		/**/
/*#undef	PORTABLE	/**/
#define	RENAME		/**/
#define	SIGVEC		/**/
#define	SIGVECTOR	/**/
#define	SYMLINK		/**/
#define	VFORK	/**/
/*#undef	WHOAMI		/**/
#define DEFEDITOR "/usr/bin/vi"		/**/
#define HOSTNAME "csccat"		/**/
#define MYDOMAIN ".cs.com"		/**/
/*#undef		I_TIME	 	/**/
#define	I_SYSTIME 	/**/
/*#undef	SYSTIMEKERNEL 	/**/
#define PREFSHELL "/bin/csh"		/**/
/*#undef	EUNICE		/**/
/*#undef	VMS		/**/
#define		CONFIGURE_DATE	"Fri Oct 19 17:48:47 CDT 1990"
/*#undef	ENABLE_CALENDAR	/**/
#define dflt_calendar_file	""	
/*#undef NEED_CUSERID		/**/
/*#undef	LOCK_BY_FLOCK		/**/
/*#undef	LOCK_FLOCK_ONLY		/**/
#define		LOCK_DIR	"/usr/spool/locks"	/**/
#define	GETHOSTNAME	/**/
/*#undef	DOUNAME		/**/
/*#undef	PHOSTNAME "hostname"	/**/
/*#undef	HOSTCOMPILED	/**/
/*#undef	USE_DBM	/**/
#define	index strchr	/* cultural */
#define	rindex strrchr	/*  differences? */
#define	INTERNET	/**/
/*#undef	MMDF	/**/
/*#undef AUTO_BACKGROUND /**/
/*#undef	NFS_CAPABLE		/**/
/*#undef	NETWORK_ORDER		/**/
#define	NO_XHEADER	/**/
/*#undef OPTIMIZE_RETURN /**/
/*#undef	DONT_ADD_FROM /**/
#define	USE_DOMAIN /**/
#define PIDCHECK		/**/
/*#undef	PTEM		/**/
/*#undef REMOVE_AT_LAST	/**/
#define MAX_ATTEMPTS	6
#define	STRSPN		/**/
#define	STRCSPN		/**/
/*#undef	STRINGS		/**/
/*#undef	PWDINSYS	/**/
#define	ALLOW_SUBSHELL	/**/
#define	TEMPNAM		/**/
/*#undef	TERMIOS		/**/
#define	TERMIO		/**/
#define	TZ_MINUTESWEST 	/**/
#define NOUTIMBUF		/**/
#define	VOIDSIG 	/**/
#define	MAX_SALIASES	503	/* number of system aliases allowed      */
#define	MAX_UALIASES	251	/* number of user aliases allowed 	 */
#define	PASSNAMES /*  (undef to take name from ~/.fullname) */
#define	BERKNAMES /* (that is, ":name,stuff:") */
/*#undef	USGNAMES  /* (that is, ":stuff-name(stuff):") */
/*#undef	XENIX	/**/
/*#undef	BSD	/**/

Jack           Computer Support Corporation             Dallas,Texas
Hudler         Internet: jack@cscdec.cs.com